





怎样在网上追踪你的朋友 How to Stalk Your Friends Online

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2013-1-13 07:43| 查看数: 1853| 评论数: 0|

怎样在网上追踪你的朋友 How to Stalk Your Friends Online



Remember Google Latitude? Launched less than four years ago, it was one of the web giant’s first forays into location-sharing with friends. Even though Google Latitude was completely opt-in with strict privacy settings, I remember the general discomfort the product elicited. Privacy International called the location-sharing app “a gift to stalkers, prying employers, jealous partners, and obsessive friends.” The New York Times seemed skeptical that location sharing would even catch on.

Oh, how times have changed.

Before Facebook came around, it seemed weird to use your real name on the internet. Less than a decade later, there’s no limit to the number of ways you can share every personal detail of your life online.

As technology has evolved to help us keep tabs on our friends, cultural norms have evolved to give us more permission to do so. Where it once seemed creepy to look through a friend’s photo albums or Google her name, now we can do that from our phones while we wait in line at Starbucks. In fact, “stalking” your friends online has become so commonplace that there’s a new wave of tools popping up to help you do it better.


If you’ve ever fumbled with your phone while texting friends that you’re running late, you will love Glympse, a short-term location-sharing app.

When you send someone a “Glympse” of your location, you select a time frame (up to four hours) during which she can track your location on a map.

I use Glympse all the time and even my friends who think it’s a little eerie still have to admit that it’s extremely useful. Glympse is great for letting your friends know you’re on your way or stuck in traffic, and it’s perfect if you’re picking someone up and want her to come out to the curb right as you pull up. I also love it for concerts and other events where you’re prone to getting separated from the herd.

My favorite feature? Along with location, Glympse also displays speed, so you can give your friend a hard time about her pedal-to-the-metal driving when she arrives.

Find My Friends

If you’re looking for a more permanent way to check up on your pals’ location, ask them to download the Find My Friends app. The iOS 6 version of the app has group options for keeping up with friends who’ve moved away and location-based alerts to let you know when your kids arrive at school.

Think using technology to track a significant other might be taboo? Not at all. My friends in a long-distance relationship use the app to share the boring but intimate details of their day-to-day. (Yes, she picked up her dry cleaning. No, he didn’t go to the gym.) It’s a great way for them to keep up with each other’s lives even though they’re separated by many miles.


Want to be able to give your friends props when they get a big promotion or write a cool article? Definitely check out Newsle, my favorite new site for keeping tabs on my friends in the news. If you ever felt weird about having a Google Alert on someone’s name (What? I’ve never done that!), Newsle makes your stalker-ish ways totally kosher.

It works like a news aggregator for your friends, crawling the internet looking for mentions of them in publicly-available news articles. All of the relevant articles are grouped neatly onto a profile so you can see what your friends are up to. It’s a great source for “news about your people.” Everyone is also given a Newsle Rank, a rough measurement of how prominent they are in the news. The most famous newsmaker on Newsle? President Obama, of course.

“Get Notifications” on Facebook

You know those people whose Facebook profiles you check incessantly to see if they’ve posted a new photo or updated their status? Oh sure, you can pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about, but I know you’ll be secretly thrilled to learn about the new feature Facebook built to make that process much easier.

Facebook’s new “Get Notifications” feature puts updates from specified friends directly into your Notifications feed (where you’re already looking for updates on who liked your photos and comments on your posts).

To add a friend to your notifications list, visit her profile and click the “Friends” box beneath her cover photo. From there, you’ll see lots of features to control the settings on your friendship, including “Get Notifications” at the top.

Okay, I’ll admit, I added my mom to make sure I never miss anything she posts.

These new tools are just a few of the many that are helping to turn the paradigm of personal information sharing on its head. Excessively keeping tabs on each other used to drive people apart, but new opt-in technologies can actually bring them closer together. No need to hide anymore. Want to not-so-creepily stalk your friends? There’s an app for that.


还记得“谷歌纵横”(Google Latitude——译者注)吗?它发行于至少四年前,是网络巨头对好友位置共享服务领域的第一次入侵。尽管谷歌纵横完全可以选择严格的隐私设定,我还是记得这款产品所引起的普遍的不舒适感。国际隐私组织(Privacy International——译者注)称位置共享应用是“给跟踪狂、爱窥探的老板、爱妒忌的搭档和爱花痴的朋友的礼物”。《纽约时报》似乎也曾怀疑位置共享服务根本流行不起来。









Find My Friends

如果你想寻找一个更持久的工具用来检查你的伴侣的位置,让他们下载Find My Friends应用吧。这个应用的iOS6版本有一个组选项,可以让你跟上已经搬走的朋友的脚步;也有基于位置的提示,可以让你知道你的孩子什么时候到学校。




它的工作类似于你朋友消息的整合器——在网络上爬行,寻找公开可用的消息文章中哪里提到了他们。所有相关的文章都在简洁分组后放到一个简报里,这样你就能看到你的朋友们在干吗。它是“news about your people”的很好的来源。每个人都被赋予一个Newsles等级,这是对他们在新闻中的杰出程度的一个严苛的度量。Newsle上最著名的消息制造者是谁呢?当然是总统奥巴马。

Facebook上的“获取通知(Get Notifications——译者注)”






文章出自:www.thedailymuse.com原文链接:点击查看http://xue.youdao.com/?path=read ... ;channelType=public


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