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5招让你工作的更快乐5 Ways You Can Be Happier at Work Right Now

No matter how passionate you are about your business, the stress, long hours, and a myriad of worries can leave you feeling unhappy at work. According to a June 2012 report by the Conference Board, an independent business membership and research association, only 47% of Americans are satisfied with their jobs.

"We spend way too much time at work to not behappy, " says Beth Thomas, author of Powered by Happy: How to Get and Stay Happy at Work (Sourcebooks, 2010). Being unhappy at work can not only affect your mood, but your productivity and your company's bottom line.

Bring joy into your job and improve your company's success with these tips:

1. Stay rooted in the present. "Many of our negative thoughts come from worrying about situations that may never happen, " says Thomas. While entrepreneurs often have to make contingency plans, constantly thinking about the worst case scenario can place undue stress on your body and mind and drain it of resources that are better used in more productive ways.

"The best way to deal with negative thoughts is to separate fiction from fact, " says Thomas. So, the next time you find yourself facing a negative thought, analyze the situation and ask whether you're reacting to a real or imagined situation.

2. Engage in positive thinking. Shifting negative thoughts to positive ones can help to improve your mood and mindset. "Every time a negative thought comes into your head, stop and think about a positive one, " says Thomas. Do this for a few weeks and you'll quickly notice that you're creating a new habit that will enhance your happiness not only at work, but in your daily life.

3. Help others. Whether getting involved in philanthropic activities or helping your staff improve in their jobs, Thomas says charity is the secret to lasting happiness. "Happiness at work isn't about what you alone achieve. It's not about helping yourself look better, but about making everyone on your team perform better, " says Thomas.

Setting up an employee mentoring program where senior staff members assist junior staff, or getting your staff involved in a philanthropic activity such as a local food drive or a charity cycling event can improve the happiness of everyone in the office.

4.Take a break. While entrepreneurs are often motivated by positive stress, the kind that pushes us to do more, it's important to recognize when your mind and body need a break. "Even if you like your job, stress can weigh you down and make you unhappy, " says Thomas. Schedule a few days off or find an outlet after work or on the weekend to have fun, rest your mind and rejuvenate yourself.

5. Keep a gratitude journal. Happiness doesn't come from getting something you don't have, but recognizing and appreciating what you do have. Write down five things you're grateful for each day before you start work, or before you leave the office at the end of the day, to retrain your brain to focus on the positive.

无论你对于你的事业抱有多大的热情 压力和焦虑还是会随之而来 让你在工作的时候感觉到不开心。根据世界大企业联合会(一家独立的商业调查协会)在二零一二年六月出具的一份报告显示,只有百分之四十七的美国人对于他们的工作感到满意。

“我们在工作时有太多的时间是在不开心的情绪下度过的。”Beth Thomas在他的著作《快乐的力量:如何在工作中获得并保持快乐》中提到。在工作中不快乐不仅仅会影响你的情绪,还会影响你的工作效率和公司的效率。




2. 积极点想问题。将消极的想法转变为积极的想法能帮助你改善你的情绪和心态。“每当有负面的想法进入你的脑海时,打断它并把它转变为积极的想法吧。”Thomas提到。坚持几个星期,你会发现自己培养出了一个新的习惯。这不仅仅会提高你工作中的幸福指数,也会给你的生活带来更多的快乐。




5. 坚持写感恩日记。快乐不会来源于你没有的东西,而是来源于你认识到并感谢那些你确实拥有的东西。每天在你上班前或下班前记下五件你要感谢的事,这样可以让你保持积极的心态。



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