





是否该升级到Windows 8?

发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-3-8 09:20| 查看数: 761| 评论数: 0|

Q: Would you recommend upgrading a desktop that currently operates on Vista to Windows 8?

A: I don't recommend upgrading a computer to Windows 8 that's more than a year or two old, especially if you intend to keep your data files and programs. If this PC is still running Vista, which came out six years ago, it's probably too old to assure a trouble-free, satisfying upgrade to Windows 8. You can check by downloading and running Microsoft's free Upgrade Assistant. I also recommend you search through the support section of your PC maker's website to see if the company supports the upgrade.

Q: My PC with XP just died. I just bought an iPad for portability so I don't see why I need a laptop. I gave one away because I didn't like the feel of it. But I still use Office─particularly Publisher. Should I buy a Windows 8 laptop with a touch monitor or a desktop?

A: It sounds to me like you're not a laptop fan, and don't feel you need one for portability. So I suggest you consider one of the new Windows 8 all-in-one touch screen desktop computers.

Q: Is the capacity of the iPad infinite? I've had mine three years and regularly delete emails. Is there a capacity limit and if so, how should it be dealt with?

A: The iPad has finite storage. For some of its functions, like email and the calendar, you can control how much data it stores by going into settings and specifying how many messages it should show from each account, or how far back in time its calendar should sync with the calendar service it uses.

Otherwise, if you begin to run up against the device's capacity, you'll have to delete some apps or media or other content. You can check how much capacity you have available by going to Settings, General and then clicking on About.

问:你是否建议Vista用户升级到Windows 8?

答:我并不建议将已经使用一两年以上的电脑升级到Windows 8,特别是如果你想保留数据文件和程序。如果你的个人电脑仍在运行六年前推出的Vista,或许使用的时间已经太长,难以保证顺利满意地升级到Windows 8。你可以通过下载并运行微软免费的Upgrade Assistant(升级助手)来检测一下。我还建议你搜索你的个人电脑生产商网站上的支持部分,看看该公司是否支持升级。

问:我的XP个人电脑坏了。我为了便于携带刚刚买了一部iPad,我认为没有必要再买一部笔记本电脑。我曾把一部笔记本电脑送了人,因为我不喜欢它的触感。但我仍使用Office,特别是Publisher。我是该买一部Windows 8触屏笔记本电脑还是一部台式电脑呢?

答:看来你不太喜欢笔记本电脑,我觉得你没必要为了便于携带买一部笔记本电脑。所以我建议你考虑新款Windows 8一体式触屏台式电脑。



否则,如果你开始接近iPad的容量上限,就必须删除一些应用或媒体或其他内容。你可以通过点击“设置” 、“一般”,然后“关于”进行查看可用容量。


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