






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-3-15 08:40| 查看数: 1042| 评论数: 0|

Mayor Michael Bloomberg's gambit to ban large sugary drinks in restaurants and other venues was dealt a stinging judicial defeat Monday, marking a major political and legal setback for a mayor who has placed bans on smoking and other public health policies at the center of his three terms in office.

New York state Supreme Court Judge Milton Tingling declared invalid Mr. Bloomberg's plan to prohibit restaurants, mobile food carts, delis and concessions at movie theaters, stadiums or arenas from selling sugary drinks in cups or containers larger than 16 ounces. The ban was set to begin Tuesday.

At a late afternoon news conference, Mr. Bloomberg and the city's top lawyer, Michael Cardozo, said they believed the judge erred in his ruling. (Read full text of the ruling) The city is planning to appeal and Mr. Bloomberg said he has no plans to bring the measure before the City Council.

'It would be irresponsible not to try to do everything we can to save lives,' said Mr. Bloomberg, who earlier in the day called for jurisdictions across the nation to follow suit.

Judge Tingling determined that Mr. Bloomberg exceeded his authority by sidestepping the City Council and placing the issue before the city's Board of Health, a panel whose members were each appointed by the mayor.

Rick Hills, a law professor at New York University, said, 'There's a sense that Bloomberg has an imperial disdain for the City Council, and this ruling says 'no more rule by mayoral decree.''

The mayor has gone through the City Council first with some of his health initiatives but not with all of them.

In 2006, the Board of Health banned the use of artificial trans-fats in foods and required the posting of calorie counts at chain restaurants. The board's storied history also includes banning lead paint and requiring fluoride to be included in drinking water.

'Our Board of Health has always been a pioneer,' Mr. Bloomberg said. 'It has always been ahead of the curve, and you would expect nothing less from this city.'

Judge Tingling wrote that the regulations would 'not only violate the separation of powers doctrine, it would eviscerate it.'

'Such an evisceration has the potential to be more troubling than sugar sweetened beverages,' he wrote.

The judge ruled the regulations are 'fraught with arbitrary and capricious consequences,' noting how there would be uneven enforcement within a single city block. The regulations didn't affect the Big Gulp at 7-11 because supermarkets and convenience stores are regulated by the state, not the city.

周一,纽约市长布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)禁止餐馆和其它场所销售大容量含糖饮料的举措被法院驳回,这是这位市长在政治和法律上遭受的重大挫折。在布隆伯格的三届市长任期内,他将禁止吸烟和其它公共健康政策作为重点。

纽约州最高法院法官汀灵(Milton Tingling)宣布布隆伯格的提议无效。这项提议原本计划禁止餐馆、流动食品车、熟食店以及电影院和体育场馆内的餐饮售卖点销售用容量超过16盎司(约合0.45升)的杯子或其它容器装的含糖饮料。这项禁令原本定于周二开始实施。

在周一下午晚些时候召开的新闻发布会上,布隆伯格和纽约市首席律师卡多佐(Michael Cardozo)说,他们认为法官的裁决有误。纽约市计划提出上诉。布隆伯格表示,他没有计划让市议会讨论这项措施。


汀灵法官认为,布隆伯格绕过市议会,直接将此问题交由纽约市卫生委员会(Board of Health)讨论是越权的做法。卫生委员会的所有成员都是由布隆伯格任命的。

纽约大学(New York University)法学教授希尔斯(Rick Hills)说,有一种说法认为,布隆伯格觉得自己至高无上,藐视市议会。这项裁决则告诉布隆伯格,不要再以市长名义出台法令。






法官给出的裁决是,这项规定“充满了武断和反复无常的后果”,并指出这项规定会在纽约市的每个街区引发不公平的执法现象。这项规定不会影响7-11便利店内销售的Big Gulp大容量含糖饮料,因为超市和便利店受州政府监管,而非纽约市。


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