






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-3-16 09:30| 查看数: 977| 评论数: 0|

The nation's top spies told senators that the U.S. is vulnerable to attacks and destruction of computer networks, both from government-sponsored assaults as well as from hackers and terrorists. The U.S. intelligence report cited other threats besides cyber attacks and cyber espionage, including: 美国主要情报官员对该国参议员说,美国计算机网络容易受到来自政府资助者以及黑客和恐怖主义者的攻击和破坏。除网络攻击和网络间谍活动外,美国情报报告还提到了其它威胁,包括:

Terrorism and transnational organized crime: A decentralized extremist movement still poses dangers through regional affiliates. Crime networks help terrorism by moving drugs, people and money. 恐怖主义和跨国有组织犯罪:具有分散性特点的极端主义运动仍在通过地区机构带来威胁。犯罪网络通过药品、人员和资金的流动来协助恐怖主义。

Nuclear fears: Iran may develop longer-range missiles that could deliver weapons of mass destruction. North Korea remains a threat both to the region and the U.S. 核担忧:伊朗可能会研发出能运送大规模杀伤性武器的更长距离远程导弹。朝鲜无论对亚太地区还是美国而言,都仍是一个威胁。

Outer-space wars: U.S. reliance on satellites for communications, navigation and surveillance could be undermined by capabilities to 'deny or destroy' space access, the report says, naming advances by China and Russia. 外太空战争:报告说,美国对通信、导航和监测卫星的依赖可能会受到中国和俄罗斯等先进武器装备的破坏,这些装备可“阻止或摧毁”对太空的访问。

Food, water, energy, minerals: Natural disasters and growing competition are tightening the global supply of natural resources, giving rise to scenarios that could lead to instability or extremism. 食品、水、能源和矿产:自然灾害和日益激烈的竞争使全球自然资源供应吃紧,相应出现的局面可能会导致不稳定和极端主义。

Health and pandemic threats: The phenomenon of pathogens jumping from animals to humans岸such as SARS or the human Nipah virus岸leaves humans vulnerable to pandemics. 健康和流行病威胁:病原体由动物传染给人类的现象(如非典型性肺炎或尼帕病毒)使人类容易受到疫病攻击。

Mass atrocities: Events in places such as Darfur or eastern Congo岸oppressive areas that are poor and have histories of power brokers operating with impunity岸show the conditions that could lead to others. 大规模暴行:在苏丹达尔富尔或刚果东部等地方发生的事件表明,存在可能导致其他暴行的条件。这些地方受压迫、贫穷且有着权力掮客免受惩罚的历史。

Regional threats: Arab Spring countries, the Middle East, South Asia, the Caucasus, Central Asia and other areas remain unstable. 地区威胁:阿拉伯之春国家、中东、南亚、高加索、中亚等地区仍不稳定。

Euro-zone crisis: The risk of a breakup is reduced, but economic deterioration in Europe still threatens to depress world growth. 欧元区危机:欧元区解体的风险有所减弱,但欧洲经济状况恶化仍可能会威胁到全球经济增长。


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