






发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2013-3-20 00:13| 查看数: 906| 评论数: 0|

There's opportunity in China even if you're a Westerner with no skills. If you're a white male and have a nice suit, you can get a job that pays well — and requires no work.


A White Guy'Mitch Moxley, a freelance writer who lives in Beijing, discovered that with just those assets, he could make a living as a fake American businessman. He wrote about his experience in The Atlantic article "Rent A White Guy: Confessions of a Fake Businessman from Beijing."

米奇·莫克斯利(Mitch Moxley),生活在北京的自由作家,发现自己只要拥有上述资本就可以以假冒的美国商人的身份谋生。他把自己的经历写进了大西洋月刊的文章《租借白人小伙:来自北京的冒牌商人的自白》里。

"Basically, a friend of a friend knew of a company that needed a bunch of white guys to go down and represent the company," Moxley told NPR's Robert Siegel. "I didn't know too much other than it was going to be $1,000 for a week and then we would be put in a hotel. And we'd have to attend a couple of banquets and tour a factory."

“大概情况是这样,一个朋友的朋友了解到了一家公司需要一堆白人男性过去代表该公司”,莫克斯利告诉NPR的罗伯特·西格尔(Robert Siegel):"我不知道还有比这更好的差事了,每周可以拿到1000美元,我们则住进宾馆。而我们需要做的事就是参加一堆宴会,然后参观一家工厂。"

Moxley was acting as one of the quality control experts.


"I was told in advance we weren't going to be doing any quality control," he says. "Which is good because none of us actually had any experience in quality control."


Moxley says his guess is that companies hire white people in suits to gain "a bit of credibility." He says that connections in China are important, especially in business.


"It was pretty funny. The whole thing was a little bit surreal," he says. "We were down there and were being paraded around a half-built factory and we had to sit in temporary offices the rest of the day, not really doing anything. ... We were sleeping at our desks or reading magazines."

“这太搞笑了。整件事有点超现实主义”,他说:“我们去到那里,然后在一个到一个半建成的工厂里巡游了一番,那天剩下的时间里我们必须坐在一个临时办公室里,什么事情都不干。...... 就是趴在桌子上睡觉或者是读读杂志。”

But Moxley says he and the fake businessmen got the "red-carpet treatment" at the opening ceremony for the factory.


"They had police escorting vehicles to the ceremony," he says. "We were sitting at the front row right before the stage. One guy was supposedly the company director, and he gave a speech in front of 100 or so people. At the end, he was taking pictures with the mayor and being interviewed on local TV."


Moxley says that although his experience was surreal, it's "surprisingly common."


"I've been here for three years, and it was something I heard about soon after I got here. Off the top of my head, I know about six people who have done similar things."



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