






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-3-21 11:00| 查看数: 757| 评论数: 0|

Iran is facing the loss of a chunk of its oil export revenues as some of its largest trading partners in Asia plan to reduce their imports because of the pressure of US and European sanctions. 伊朗正面临着石油出口收入的大幅削减。在美国和欧洲的制裁压力下,该国在亚洲的一些最大贸易伙伴计划减少各自的进口。

India, the second biggest buyer of Iranian crude after China, plans to stop importing Iranian oil from next month to avoid losing insurance coverage for its refineries, according to Asia-based oil traders. Japan and South Korea, two other big buyers, are set to reduce further their imports from April. 亚洲石油交易商表示,仅次于中国的伊朗原油第二大买家印度,计划从下个月开始停止从伊朗进口石油,以免该国炼油厂失去保险保护。另外两个大买家,日本和韩国,也将从4月开始进一步减少进口。

The combination could force Iran, which depends on oil exports for half its revenues, to cut oil production, which has already fallen to its lowest level in nearly 25 years. The drop in production, exports and revenues has contributed to the sharp drop of the rial against the US dollar. 这些举动加在一起,可能导致一半财政收入来自石油出口的伊朗被迫减少石油生产,而该国石油产量已经降到了近25年以来的最低点。产量、出口、以及收入的降低,已经导致里亚尔兑美元汇率的大幅下降。

In its first official calculation of the impact of sanctions, Tehran last month predicted a 40 per cent decline in its oil revenues in the next fiscal year, which begins on March 21. 在其首个官方计算的制裁影响中,上个月伊朗预计从3月21日开始的下一个财年里石油收入将下降40%。

Iranian media said the oil exports in the budget would be between 0.9m barrels a day and 1.06m b/d, a dramatic fall from pre-sanctions levels of more than 2.5m b/d. 伊朗媒体指出,预算中石油出口将在每天90万桶到106万桶,远低于制裁之前超过250万桶的水平。

Iranian oil production has fallen well beyond the initial expectations of Washington and Brussels. 伊朗石油产量跌幅已远超华盛顿和布鲁塞尔最初的预期。

Industry executives cautioned New Delhi could still intervene and provide a sovereign guarantee to the insurers, in effect bypassing the impact of EU sanctions. 工业界高管告诫称,新德里仍可能出手干预入,为保险公司提供主权担保,从而避开欧盟(EU)制裁的影响。


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