






发布者: veronica9526 | 发布时间: 2013-3-24 13:00| 查看数: 1250| 评论数: 0|


1. It’s a long story.


A:What happened to him? 他出什么事了?

B:Oh,it’s a long story. 噢,说来话来了。

A:Why didn’t she marry Jim? 她为什么没有嫁给吉姆?

B:It’s a long story. 这就说来话来了。

2. It’s the (same)old story.


It’s the same old story—he invites us all to the pub for a drink and them finds that he’s forgotten to bring his money with him. 又是老花样——他请我们大家上酒店喝酒,随后又说身上忘了带钱。

It’s the same old story—too much work and not enough time. 又是老样子——工作多,时间不够。

A:I’m sorry I didn’t come to help you on Saturday, but my car wouldn’t start. 对不起,我星期六没有来帮忙,因为我的车发动不了。

B:Oh,it’s the same old story. You just didn’t want to help. 噢,又来老一套,你不过是不想帮忙罢了。

3. It’s [That’s] another [different] story.

(1) 表示前后所谈及的事或情况不同,意为:那是另外一回事;那就完全不同了。如:

I can speak a little French,but as to write it, it’s another story. 我可以说一点点法语,但至于写,那就完全是另外一回事了。

The artist’s paintings of natural scenery are boring, I think, but his paintings of people—that’s different story. 我认为那位画家的风景画单调乏味,但他的人物画却完全不是这样了。

(2) 表示说话者偶而提到了与话题无关的事且又不想对此深谈,意为:那是题外话了。如:

Besides, he likes to tell lies, but that’s another story. 另外,他还喜欢说谎,不过那是题外话了。

…actually, he didn’t pay us the money, but that’s another story. 实际上,他没有付给我们钱,但这已是题外话了。

4. That’s a likely story [tale]!

表示怀疑或不相信别人所说的话,意为:我才不信呢! 说得倒很像真的! 说得倒轻松! 如:

A:Has he returned the money to you? 他把钱还给你了吗?

B:Not yet, but he said he would next month. 还没有,但他说下个月会还给我。

A:That’s a likely story. Perhaps next year. 说起来好听,恐怕要等明年吧。

有时可省略成 A likely story [tale]. 如:

He says he just forgot about it—a likely story. 他说他只是忘了——说得倒轻松。

5. to cut [make] a long story short

表示说话者想尽快结束所讲的话题,意为:长话短说; 简言之;一句话。如:

To cut a long story short, I won’t go with them. 长话短说吧,我不会同他们去的。

To cut a long story short, he was forced to marry the girl he didn’t love. 一句话,他同他不爱的那个女孩结了婚。

To cut a long story short, I decided to turn down the job. 简言之,我决定拒绝那份工作。

6. You story!


You story! I won’t believe you. 你骗人! 我不会信你的。

You say you locked that door. You story! The key has been lost for weeks. 你说你那门是你锁上的,你骗人! 那门的钥匙已经丢了好几个星期了。


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