






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-3-26 09:00| 查看数: 659| 评论数: 0|

Cypriots were braced yesterday for the introduction of strict controls on withdrawing and transferring money from their bank accounts. 塞浦路斯储户昨日准备迎接一系列严格控制银行账户提款和转账的措施。

These fears accompanied Cyprus president Nicos Anastasiades, as he made a last-ditch attempt in Brussels – in talks running late into the night – to secure an international bailout to spare the country from bankruptcy. 储户担心之际,该国总统尼科斯•阿纳斯塔夏季斯(Nicos Anastasiades)正在布鲁塞尔做最后的努力(谈判持续到深夜),争取得到国际纾困,以免这个国家陷入破产。

The capital controls are expected to be in place tomorrow morning to prevent a run on Cypriot banks if and when they reopen after an 10-day closure that has brought the economy to a standstill. 预计塞浦路斯将从明晨起实行资本管制,以避免银行在歇业10天后重新开门营业时遭到挤兑。银行关门已使该国经济陷入停滞。

Bankers and lawyers who work for the island’s many Russian depositors and businesses say they have also seen an influx of European bankers offering to help shift funds out of Cyprus. 代表塞浦路斯许多俄罗斯储户和企业的银行家和律师表示,他们还发现许多欧洲银行家纷纷涌入,提出愿意帮忙将资金转移出塞浦路斯。

Capital controls would be unprecedented in the history of the euro, and critics say they run counter to the bloc’s treaty guarantee of free-flowing capital across borders. 塞浦路斯即将实行的资本管制将是欧元历史上前所未有的,批评人士表示,这种措施有违欧元区条约对跨国资本自由流动的保证。

Their emergence in Cyprus – where the parliament passed an enabling law in an emergency vote on Friday night – attests to the severity of the crisis. 塞浦路斯即将实行的资本管制,证明了这场危机的严重性。塞浦路斯议会上周五晚举行紧急投票,通过了实行资本管制的法案。

“If they don’t [impose them], it will be hell,” one government official said. “Everyone will be running to the banks to pull their money out.” 一名政府官员表示:“如果他们不(强行实施资本管制),将出现地狱般的糟糕情形。每个人都会冲向银行,把自己的钱取出来。”

Cypriot officials have spent the week in frantic negotiations to avoid defraying the costs of the €10bn bailout, by seizing €5.8bn from Cypriot bank accounts – the central eurozone demand last week and the measure that sparked panicked withdrawals. 塞浦路斯官员过去一周一直在紧张谈判,以避免通过从塞浦路斯银行账户“打劫”58亿欧元来分担100亿欧元纾困的成本。这一要求是欧元区核心国家在前一周提出的,导致人们恐慌提款。

But talks yesterday again focused on how big those losses would be and which account holders would bear the brunt. Asked what he expected in a final deal, Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany’s finance minister, said: “What we agreed last week.” 但谈判焦点昨日再次回到这些损失将有多大,以及这种冲击将由哪些账户持有人承担。在被问及其对最终协议的期待时,德国财长沃夫冈•朔伊布勒(Wolfgang Schäuble)表示:“就是我们上周达成一致的内容。”

Specific capital controls have yet to be announced, but they are expected to include restrictions on sending money abroad or moving it among local banks. 资本管制的详细条款还未宣布,但预计将包括限制向海外汇款或在本地不同银行间转账。

In addition to blocking capital flight, such restrictions may also prevent depositors from rearranging their accounts to escape a levy of 20 per cent or more that is expected to be imposed on deposits totalling more than €100,000. 这种限制措施除将阻止资本外逃外,可能还将阻止储户重新安排账户、以逃避预计将对存款超过10万欧元的储户征收的20%的税。

If a bailout is not agreed by today, the European Central Bank has threatened to cut off support for Cyprus’s teetering financial sector. 欧洲央行(ECB)已威胁称,如果今日未达成纾困协议,将切断对塞浦路斯身处困境的银行业的支持。

Business transactions have been interrupted since the surprise inclusion of the levy in last week’s bailout agreement, and Cypriots have been wondering how they could undertake even the most basic commercial tasks, such as paying rent or credit card bills, with fresh capital restrictions. 自上周的纾困协议出人意料地包含“存款税”内容后,商业交易一直中断,塞浦路斯人在疑惑,在实行新的资本管制之后,他们该如何完成一些最基本的商业活动,比如交房租或还信用卡债务。


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