






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-3-28 10:00| 查看数: 872| 评论数: 0|

North Korea has issued fresh threats against the United States, this time warning it could fire rockets on Guam, Hawaii and the U.S. mainland in retaliation for American bomber sorties. 朝鲜对美国发出新的威胁,扬言可能对关岛、夏威夷和美国本土发射火箭,作为对美国出动轰炸机参加演习的报复。

The Korean People's Army also said Tuesday that "all artillery troops including strategic rocket units and long-range artillery units" have been placed in a "combat ready posture." 朝鲜人民军星期二也表示,包括战略火箭部队和远程炮兵部队在内的全体朝鲜炮兵已经进入待命作战状态。

It is the latest in a series of threats by Pyongyang against the U.S. and its regional allies. North Korea's rockets are not believed to have the ability to hit the U.S. mainland. 平壤针对美国及其地区盟友发出一系列威胁,这是最近的一次。据信朝鲜的火箭射程不足以打击美国本土。

The statement came just hours after South Korean President Park Geun-hye warned the North to abandon its nuclear weapons and stop making provocations, saying this is the only way for Pyongyang to survive. 在朝鲜发出上述声明的几小时前,韩国总统朴槿惠警告朝鲜放弃其核武器以及停止挑衅行动,并表示这是平壤避免毁灭的唯一途径。

Ms. Park made the comments during a speech to mark the third anniversary of the deadly sinking of the South Korean warship Cheonan - an attack that Seoul blames on Pyongyang. The North denies conducting the attack, which left 46 sailors dead. 朴槿惠在韩国天安舰沉没三周年发表讲话时做出上述表示。首尔说,天安舰是平壤击沉的。朝鲜对此予以否认。天安舰沉没导致46名水兵丧生。


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