






发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2013-3-28 21:36| 查看数: 963| 评论数: 0|

He couldn't preserve the political lives of fellow Democrats this month, but he can still save a turkey.

  美国总统贝拉克 奥巴马本月虽然未能保住民主党的政治前途,但还是可以保住一只火鸡的性命。

  President Barack Obamapardoned "Apple," a 45-pound bird, and his feathered friend, "Cider," on Wednesday in an annual White House ritual ahead ofThanksgiving, a holiday Americans celebrate with a big turkey dinner.


"Today, I have the awesome responsibility of granting a presidential pardon to a pair of turkeys," Obama, standing with his two daughters in the White House Rose Garden, told a smiling audience. "Now, for the record, let me say that it feels pretty good to stop at least one shellackingthis November."


  Democrats lost strength in the Senate and their majority in the House of Representatives on November 2 in elections Obama described famously as a "shellacking", or heavy beating.


Politics took a backseat to the more high-profile turkey ceremony on Wednesday, however, and the president -- calling it "one official duty I am sworn to uphold as the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth" -- made the most of it.


He explained the process that led to the birds' selection: two turkeys from a California ranch won the high-stakescompetition by struttingto music before a panel of judges.


  "Only one pair would survive and win the big prize: life and an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington," Obama said to laughter.


  White House staff had gathered outside to watch. Obama's chief economist, Austan Goolsbee, dispensed advice about turkey preparation, proclaiming the virtues of brining the bird before it is cooked.

  白宫工作人员观看了此次赦免。奥巴马的首席经济学家斯坦 古斯比向众人散发了火鸡烹饪准备的小贴士,并指出了做火鸡前将它用盐水浸泡的好处

 Apple and Cider will not have to worry about a brine bath.The two turkeys will spend the rest of their days on the grounds of Mount Vernon, the Virginia estate of the first U.S. president, George Washington.

  “苹果”和“苹果汁”再也不用担心洗“盐水浴”了。两只火鸡将在美国首任总统乔治 华盛顿位于维吉尼亚州的故居弗农山庄度过余生。


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