





【TOEFL iBT词汇❤词以类记】语言学

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2013-4-3 08:30| 查看数: 747| 评论数: 0|

【TOEFL iBT词汇❤词以类记】语言学

implicit concise succinct fluent cogent persuasive character glossary dialect clause linguistics phonetics tense version genre tag slogan lyric verse fiction byword fable term maxim satire farce adage synopsis compile entitle emend paraphrase adapt adaptable adaptation excerpt abstract abstraction abridge coin

implicit 含蓄的 "concise 简明的 succinct, terse" The winner of the award gave a short and concise acceptance speech(总统候选人的提名演 讲?). "succinct 简明的 简洁的 terse, concise" "fluent 流利的 流畅的 fluid, smooth" "Before you go travelling in America, make sure you speak fluent spoken English." "cogent 强有力的 有说服力的 convincing, compelling" The defense attorney's(律师) cogent argument was persuasive. persuasive 有说服力的 The persuasive saleswoman sold me a used car. character 文字 I wish this book was written in bigger characters. glossary 词汇表 "dialect 方言 土语 vernacular, jargon" John's Southern dialect is hard for me to understand. clause 分句 The sentence had too many clauses in it. linguistics 语言学 phonetics 语音学 tense 时态 "version 说法 版本 description, account" "genre 体裁 风格 style, manner" His six String Quartets(弦乐四重奏曲) is the most important works in the genre since Beethoven's. "tag 附加语 标签 lagel, tab" slogan 口号 标语 motto Each candidate needs a clever slogan to attract the attention of the voters. lyric 歌词 verse 诗 韵文 fiction 小说 byword 谚语 adage fable 寓言 传说 allegory Many fables were first told by an old Greek story-teller named Aesop. term 术语 expression Knowing more technical terms gives a translator more advantages. "maxim 格言 箴言 proverb, motto" satire 讽刺文学 The political satire was censored(检查) by the government farce 闹剧 adage 格言 谚语 proverb Isn't there an old adage that a stitch in time(及时处理) saves nine? "synopsis 大纲 梗概 outline, summary" The history professor gave a synopsis of the events leading to World War I. "compile 收集 编撰 collect, put together" The scientists compliled a great amount of data to help develop their theory. entitle 题目为 "My favorite poem is entitled ""Summer Rain""." emend 修订 amend improve John had spent a whole day emending a faulty text. paraphrase 意译 改写 解释 rewrite Would you please parephase the speech in colloquial(通俗的) English adapt 改编 revise amend "adaptable 可修改的 flexible, pliant(顺从 易受 影响的)" adaptation 改写 修改 The movie was an adaptation of a classic novel. "excerpt 摘录 selection, extract" The actor auditioned(试演) by performing an excerpt from the play. abstract 摘要 提炼 abstraction 摘要 "By looking at what happened in many similar cases, we were able to create an abstraction that also covered other instances." "abridge 缩短 删节 shorten, condense, abbreviate" The rights of citizens must not be abridged. "coin 创造 create, fashion, invent" The advertising company coined a new word to name the new product.


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