






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-4-8 09:00| 查看数: 948| 评论数: 0|

SHANGHAI, April 6 – Chinese officials have found traces of a new bird flu virus in more areas in Shanghai and in the nearby city of Hangzhou, news reports said on Saturday, as authorities slaughtered birds to stop the spread of the virus that has killed six people. 上海昨日(4月6日)有报道称,中国官员已在上海更多地区以及邻近的杭州市发现一种新型禽流感病毒的踪迹。目前中国有关部门正在扑杀活禽,以制止这种已导致6人死亡的病毒传播。

State-run Xinhua news agency said authorities planned to cull birds at two live poultry markets in Shanghai and another in Hangzhou after samples of the H7N9 virus were detected in birds at the three sites. 官方的新华社称,有关部门计划扑杀上海两个活禽批发市场和杭州一个市场的活禽,此前在这三个地方均发现H7N9禽流感病毒。

More than 20,000 birds have been culled at another Shanghai market where traces of the virus were found this week. 在上周发现病毒的另一个上海市场,已有2万多只活禽被扑杀。

Officials in Shanghai, China’s financial hub, ordered all live poultry markets in the city closed on Saturday, leaving food stalls empty. 在上海这个中国的金融中心,官方下令从周六起关闭全部五个活禽批发市场,这些市场的摊位均已撤空。

Authorities also banned all poultry trading in Nanjing, another eastern city, although officials said they had not found any trace of the bird flu virus and chicken on the retail market was safe to eat, official media reported. 据官方媒体报道,在另一个华东城市南京,有关部门也已禁止活禽批发交易,尽管官员们称,他们尚未发现任何禽流感病毒踪迹,零售市场上的肉鸡是安全的。

The new strain of bird flu has infected 16 people in China, all in the east of the country. Six people have died and the outbreak has spread concern overseas and sparked a sell-off in airline shares in Europe and Hong Kong. 这种新的病毒株已在华东地区感染16人,其中6人死亡,疫情引发的担忧已波及海外,引发航空公司股票在欧洲和香港遭到抛售。

There were no signs of panic in Shanghai, where four of the six deaths have taken place, and people said they were not worried. But the culling, which has been widely publicised, did underline for some how close to home the issue had become. 在6例死亡中占4例的上海,街头没有恐慌迹象,人们表示他们并不担心。但得到大量报道的扑杀活禽行动,让一些人惊呼这个问题已逼近自己。

“Now it’s just downstairs,” said Liu Leting, a user of Weibo, China’s version of Twitter which has more than 500 million users. “Suddenly I discover that I’m living in an epidemic zone!” 拥有逾5亿用户的新浪微博(Weibo)的用户之一Liu Leting表示,现在这件事就发生在楼下。他突然发现自己置身于疫区。

In one city restaurant, a waitress said they planned to stop serving chicken because of the outbreak. 在上海的一家餐厅,女服务员称,由于疫情爆发,他们计划停止提供有鸡肉的菜。

“After we sell out the chicken in stock, we will not buy new chicken and will stop serving chicken dishes for the time being,” said the waitress, who declined to be identified. “在我们卖掉所有鸡肉库存后,我们将不会再购买鸡肉,并将暂时停止供应鸡肉,”这名要求匿名的服务员表示。

While the strain does not appear to be transmitted from human to human, authorities in mainland China and Hong Kong said they were taking extra precautions. 尽管这种病毒株似乎没有人传人,但中国内地和香港的有关部门都表示,他们在采取额外的预防措施。

Hong Kong’s government said it is intensifying surveillance of travellers and poultry coming into the city. 香港政府表示,正加强对入境旅客和禽类的监视。

China’s Food and Drug Administration said it had fast-tracked approval for intravenous anti-influenza drug Peramivir, developed by US-listed biotechnology firm BioCryst Pharmaceuticals. 中国国家食品药品监督管理总局宣布,已加速审批通过了抗流感新药帕拉米韦氯化钠注射液(Peramivir),这种药是由美国上市生物技术公司BioCryst Pharmaceuticals研发的。

Peramivir is in medical trials to prove its effectiveness against type-A and type-B influenza, the administration said in a statement. The H7N9 strain belongs to the type-A group. 国家食品药品监督管理总局在一份声明中表示,帕拉米韦是一种新型的抗流感病毒药物,现有临床试验数据证明其对甲型和乙型流感有效。H7N9病毒株属于甲型流感。

Shanghai authorities have stressed the H7N9 virus remained sensitive to the drug Tamiflu and those who were diagnosed early could be cured. Tamiflu is made by Roche. 上海有关部门强调,H7N9病毒仍对瑞士罗氏公司(Tamiflu)生产的抗病毒药达菲(Tamiflu)敏感,及时得到诊断的病人是可以治愈的。

China and Hong Kong were badly hit by a 2002-2003 epidemic of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome that started in China and killed about one-tenth of the 8,000 it infected worldwide. 中国内地和香港曾在2002-03年间遭到非典(SARS)的沉重打击,非典在世界各地感染了8000人,死亡率大约为十分之一。


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