






发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2013-4-10 08:30| 查看数: 955| 评论数: 0|

In defence of the hated parking charge


PARKING fines win no votes in Britain: the beating of a traffic warden in the film “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels” is played for laughs. Eric Pickles, the local government secretary, speaks of the “overzealous culture of parking enforcement” afflicting the country. “I believe we need to give people the good grace to pop into a local corner shop for ten minutes to buy a newspaper or a loaf of bread without risking a £70 fine, ” he said recently.


This impractical plan echoes a widespread but mistaken belief that parking rules can work even if they are lackadaisically applied. Britain’s town centres were not laid out, for the most part, with cars in mind. A system of controlled on- and off-street parking, with charges where appropriate, is often required to meet conflicting needs. Shoppers want central, short-stay provision, so those spaces must be priced to ensure frequent turnover. Workers want to park for longer, at a lower hourly cost, farther out. And unless parking rules are enforced, congestion and pollution ensue.


Mr Pickles thinks that “parking fines, soaring parking charges and a lack of parking spaces” create “ghost-town” high streets. But that claim is undermined by recent research. It is hard to find “a conclusive link” between town-centre prosperity and parking provision, according to the Association of Town and City Management. Nick Lester of London Councils, which groups the capital’s borough governments, says parking is not an important part of the choice of shopping destination, though the availability of spaces matters more than their price.


Britons object to parking charges because they feel they have already paid for their road usage through taxes, says David Leibling, a transport consultant. More irritating still, they see some councils making good money from them. The Road Traffic Act of 1991 decriminalised parking offences in areas where local authorities were willing to enforce the rules themselves, and now all but 33 of England’s local governments have taken on “civil parking enforcement”. They usually contract private companies to dish out “penalty-charge notices”. Any money councils make from on-street parking—£37m ($59m) for wealthy Westminster in 2011-12—must be reinvested in transport-related activities. They cannot legally stipulate quotas for the number of fines. And by extension private firms cannot be offered incentives to issue them.


That is reasonable. What is undoubtedly odd is the existence of two parking systems. Refuse to pay a penalty-charge notice issued by a civil-enforcement officer in, say, North Norfolk, and this misdemeanour may provoke a visit from the bailiffs. Ignore a fixed-penalty notice issued by the police in North Somerset and you could end up with a criminal record.


The problem of parking charges should not be overstated, though. The RAC Foundation, a motoring lobby, says that 94% of “parking acts” require no payment, and the average household spends just £47 a year on them. Drivers find it easy to stick to the rules: only a fifth of them ever get tickets, says Patrick Troy of the British Parking Association. The other 80% benefit more than they know from enforcement that keeps traffic flowing, pollution down and parking spaces changing tenants regularly.



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