






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-4-25 10:30| 查看数: 796| 评论数: 1|

The US stock market is a better bet than China, where the economic outlook is more uncertain, according to a global survey of institutional investors by the Economist Intelligence Unit. Previous confidence in the largest emerging markets has faltered, the survey shows . 根据经济学人智库(EIU)针对机构投资者进行的一项全球调查,比起经济前景更不确定的中国,美国股市是一个更好的投资选择。调查显示,投资者对大型新兴市场的信心出现动摇。

As the gold price remains under pressure, the results also show moderating expectations for inflation: in 2011 half of the investors polled forecast inflation in their home market of at least 4 per cent in the following 12 months. This year that proportion had dropped to 29 per cent. 由于金价依然受压,调查结果还显示通胀预期有所缓和:2011年,被调查的投资者中,有一半预计本土市场在接下来12个月通胀率至少为4%。今年这一比例降到了29%。

The annual survey of more than 700 investors and executives, sponsored by Bank of New York Mellon, found that Brazil and India have fallen from favour since the first survey in 2011, while Russia – the fourth member of the Bric group of emerging nations – is now ranked behind Japan in expectations for asset price growth. 这项年度调查在逾700位投资者和高管中间进行,由纽约梅隆银行(Bank of New York Mellon)发起。调查发现,自2011年首次开展本项调查以来,巴西和印度已跌出人们偏爱的投资地区,而在资产价格增长预期方面,“金砖四国”(Bric)第四名成员俄罗斯如今排在日本之后。

“Investors have looked back to the US,” said Janie Hulse, editor of Management Thinking at the EIU. “The Brics have fallen out of favour and in their place have risen some of the southeast Asian countries.” 经济学人智库Management Thinking主编珍妮•赫尔斯(Janie Hulse)表示:“投资者将注意力转回了美国。‘金砖四国’不再受到投资者偏爱,一些东南亚国家取代了它们的位置。”

The US was ranked among the top three markets offering the best potential for investment gains this year by 45 per cent of respondents, up from 40 per cent a year ago. 45%的调查对象把美国排在了“投资回报潜力最大的市场”前三名,而一年前这一比例为40%。

It displaced China as the top pick, which received 42 per cent. 美国市场取代了中国成为投资首选,中国此次受到42%的调查对象青睐。

India has shown the most dramatic fall-off in popularity, picked by a quarter of respondents this year, compared with half who tipped it the first time the EIU asked the question. 印度在投资者中的人气跌落得最为剧烈。今年只有四分之一的调查对象选择印度,与之相比,EIU首次问到这一问题时,有一半的人倾向印度。

The Indian market (CNX 100 Index-NSE) was up by a third in 2012, but it still trades below its late 2010 peak ahead of elections this year. 印度国家证券交易所(NSE)CNX100指数2012年上涨了三分之一,不过在今年印度各地选举前,这一指数仍然低于2010年末达到的峰值。


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