






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-4-26 08:30| 查看数: 779| 评论数: 0|

Citigroup quelled a shareholder revolt on executive pay on Wednesday but told investors not to expect a quick wind-down of its pile of toxic assets or a split of the sprawling banking group. 花旗集团(Citigroup)本周三平息了股东在高管薪酬问题上的抗议,同时告诉投资者不要指望其大量有毒资产能迅速得到清理,也不要指望这个庞大的银行集团会被分拆。

More than 90 per cent of shareholders approved Citi’s executive pay scheme in a vote at the bank’s annual meeting, a year after more than 50 per cent of votes went against the company and six months after Vikram Pandit was ousted as chief executive. 在花旗的年会上,超过90%的股东投票批准了该银行的高管薪酬方案。而就在一年前,逾50%的股东投票反对该公司;就在半年前,潘伟迪(Vikram Pandit)被免去了首席执行官一职。

About 20 protesters gathered outside the meeting at the Hilton Hotel on 6th Avenue in New York, chanting “Banks got bailed out; we got sold out”. While they mostly walked in a circle holding signs, one female protester skated by on roller blades, dressed in spandex, carrying a sign that read “bankers need a spanking”. 约20名抗议者聚集在会场所在的纽约市第六大道希尔顿酒店(Hilton Hotel)门外,高喊着:“银行被纾困,我们被出卖。”他们中的多数人举着牌子绕着圈子行走,而一位女性抗议者则穿着氨纶服装和轮滑靴子滑行,手里举着的牌子上写着“银行家需要掌掴”。

Inside, Citi won a crucial investor “say-on-pay” vote. Todd Mattley, investment officer at Calpers, the large California-based pension fund which voted against the plan last year, said Citi had made improvements, including “objective performance targets” and “post-termination holding requirements”, allowing for stock to be clawed back if executives are later found to have committed serious errors. 而在会场内,花旗集团赢得了一次关键的投资者“薪酬表态”投票。加利福尼亚的大型养老基金——加利福尼亚政府雇员退休系统(CalPERS)去年曾投票反对薪酬计划,而今年该基金投资官托德•迈特雷(Todd Mattley)表示花旗集团已经有所改善,包括“客观的业绩目标”以及“终止后的控股要求”,这使得该行能向后来被发现犯下严重错误的高管要回股票。

Mike Corbat, in his first annual meeting since replacing Mr Pandit in October, said there was “no quick resolution” to disposing of the remaining $149bn in non-core assets accumulated in the run-up to the financial crisis. He cautioned investors, some of whom had expressed hopes that he would accelerate the run-off: “It makes no sense today to destroy our capital simply for the sake of speed.” 去年10月份接替潘伟迪以来首次出席年会的迈克•科尔巴(Mike Corbat)表示,处置金融危机前积累的非核心资产中剩余的1490亿美元资产“没有快速清盘方案”。他告诫投资者:“如今仅仅为了加快速度就摧毁我行的资本是没有道理的。”部分投资者曾表示希望他能加快资产出售进程。

Responding to a question from small shareholders and Mike Mayo, the equity analyst at CLSA who bought shares to attend the meeting, Mike O’Neill, chairman, said Citi was not contemplating hiving off divisions, something that is increasingly popular among members of Congress wanting to end the phenomenon of banks deemed “too big to fail”. 对于公司小股东和购买花旗股票以参加会议的里昂证券(CLSA)股票分析师迈克•梅奥(Mike Mayo)提出的问题,董事长迈克•奥尼尔(Mike O’Neill)的回应是,花旗集团没有考虑过剥离某些部门的可能性。在想要终结那种银行被认为“大到不能倒”现象的美国国会议员中,拆分是一种越来越受欢迎的解决方案。

“Dismembering it in an uneconomic way does not strike me as looking after your interest in the best way,” he said. 奥尼尔表示:“以不经济的方式拆分花旗,在我看来并不是照顾你们利益的最好方式。”

Russell Forenza, a 69-year-old shareholder who said he had owned stock for more than 30 years, said: “I have lost $1.5m with this organisation.” Mr Forenza received a smattering of applause to his suggestions that directors limited their directorships to no more than three companies. “The price is still where it is. It stinks,” he added. 69岁的股东罗素•福伦扎(Russell Forenza)表示他持有花旗股票逾30年,他说:“我在这家公司身上亏损了150万美元。”福伦扎提出,应限制董事不得在三家以上的公司兼任董事职务,他的提议赢得了人群中的零星掌声。他补充说:“股价还是老样子。情况糟糕至极。”


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