






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-5-2 08:30| 查看数: 713| 评论数: 0|

Workers in Bangladesh have begun using heavy equipment to clear the site of a factory complex outside the capital, Dhaka, where hundreds of people died when the building collapsed Wednesday. 孟加拉国的工人们开始使用重型设备清理上星期三首都达卡外一座工厂大楼坍塌的废墟。这次倒塌事故造成数百人丧生。

Crews began clearing the wreckage in earnest Monday after days of search-and-rescue efforts with hand tools, and after a fire that ended the likelihood anyone else would turn up alive in the rubble.At least 380 people known to have perished in the building.The death toll is expected to rise as hundreds of people are believed to be missing. 星期一,工人开始认真清理废墟。此前搜救工作靠的是手用工具,而且灾难现场的废墟发生火灾,破灭了任何人可能生还的希望。已知至少有380人在大厦内丧生。据信数百人下落不明,死亡人数预计会上升。

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visited the building site on Monday. 孟加拉国总理哈希娜星期一视察了坍塌大楼的现场。

On Sunday, police arrested the owner of the factory complex near the border with India. Mohammed Sohel Rana had been missing since the building's collapse Wednesday. Police say Rana and factory managers ignored official warnings for people to evacuate the building after inspectors found cracks in it during an inspection Tuesday. 星期天警方在孟加拉与印度边境附近拘捕了该大厦业主拉纳。自从上星期三发生倒塌事故后,他一直下落不明。警方说,在检查人员星期二发现大楼有裂缝,让人们从大楼疏散后,拉纳和工厂经理却无视官员的警告。

Rana's arrest came a day after authorities took two plant bosses and two engineers into custody.So far, authorities have detained seven people in connection with the collapse.在倒塌工厂大厦业主拉纳被捕一天前,当局还拘捕了至少两名工厂业主和另外两名工程师。到目前为止,当局已经逮捕7名这次建筑倒塌事件的涉案人。


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