






发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2013-5-2 10:30| 查看数: 867| 评论数: 0|


1. Tap into the island's artistic side. In the southern beachside town of Rawai, a handful of creative spaces are showcasing homegrown talent. Painters, musicians and even a master puppeteer have set up shop in the self-styled Phuket Art Village. The most striking space is the funky Love Art studio, built with colored driftwood gathered from nearby beaches. The Red Gallery, whose owner created the informal collective, serves as the anchor. The work spaces, like the art, are all constructed by hand, giving a rough-hewn and casual vibe.

. 领略普吉岛(Phuket)艺术的魅力。在普吉岛南部海滨的拉威海滩(Rawai),有数量不多的几间创意坊,向访客展示着普吉本土的艺术。一些画家、音乐家、甚至还有一位木偶戏大师在这里开设了店铺,并冠之以“普吉艺术村”(Phuket Art Village)之名。最引人注目的是别具一格的爱艺术工作室(Love Art studio),它是用从附近海滩收集来的彩色浮木搭建而成的。红色画廊(The Red Gallery)的老板是这个非正式创意集体的发起者,这家画廊也是这儿的支柱店铺。这些工作坊和其所展示的这些艺术一样,全都是手工打造的,有一种粗犷随意的氛围。

2. Explore Phuket's boomtown past. Long before the island was discovered by sun-seeking tourists, Phuket made its fortune in the 19th century as a tin-mining hub that drew Chinese migrants. Old Town Phuket is lined with grand old mansions and wooden shophouses from those prosperous early days, and a stroll in this heritage-filled district reveals the island's distinctive Sino-Portuguese architecture. Stop for coffee at Kopitiam by Wilai, a former shopfront-turned-café, browse for goodies at vintage shop Since 1892, or snack on deep-fried roti filled with egg, curry or banana at Aroon.

2. 探寻普吉的辉煌过往。早在寻找阳光的游客发现普吉岛之前,在19世纪,这座岛屿是一个锡矿开采中心,吸引了大量来自中国的移民,并由此而发家。普吉老城(Old Town Phuket)街道两旁有成排的早期繁荣时代遗留下来的古老大宅和木结构的店屋。在这个满是历史遗存的区域漫步,游客可以看到普吉岛特有的糅合了中式风格和葡萄牙风格的建筑。你可以在Kopitiam by Wilai餐厅(一家由过去的商店改建而来的小餐厅)歇歇脚,喝杯咖啡,去老店Since 1892享用一些美食,也可以去Aroon餐厅吃点加了很多鸡蛋、咖喱或香蕉的煎饼。

3. Sample southern Thai flavors in a house fit for royalty. For those in the know, Raya is a must-stop on the culinary map. Set in a century-old house, it specializes in Phuket's local cuisine, which combines Thai, Malay and Chinese influences. Order the house specialties: crabmeat curry with vermicelli, caramelized pork belly, deep-fried pork strips, and sea bass in tamarind and lemongrass sauce. The restaurant, with its stained-glass windows, wood-beamed ceilings and colored mosaic tiles, evokes an earlier era. Small wonder that Raya has drawn its share of fans among celebrities and even Thai royalty, whose photos line the wall. 48 New Dibuk Cross Rd., Phuket Old Town; Tel.: +66 76 218 155. Open daily, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.

3. 在达到皇家标准的餐厅品尝泰南风味的美食。对于达人们来说,Raya是美食地图上的必访之地。餐厅坐落在一所百年老房子里,专门供应普吉本地菜肴(融合了泰国、马来西亚和中国风味)。餐厅的特色菜包括:蟹肉咖喱米粉(crabmeat curry with vermicelli)、焦糖猪腩肉(caramelized pork belly)、油炸肉条(deep-fried pork strips)、海鲈鱼配酸角香茅汁(sea bass in tamarind and lemongrass sauce)。餐厅的彩色玻璃窗、裸露木梁的天花板和彩色马赛克瓷砖让人想起过去的那个时代。难怪Raya吸引了众多社会名流、甚至泰国皇室成员的光顾,餐厅的 上挂着他们的照片。地址:普吉老城New Dibuk Cross路48号;电话:+66 76 218 155;每天早上10点至晚上10点营业。

4. Relive the journey of Chinese migrants. The historic wave of immigrants who arrived in Phuket from southern China during the 1800s is meticulously chronicled in the two-story Phuket Thaihua Museum. Drawn by mining work, overseas Chinese came from Fujian and Guangdong provinces via Malaysia, helping to transform the sleepy island. The museum, set in a former 1930s-era Chinese school, has been beautifully renovated. It has a number of high-quality exhibits detailing the Chinese migration and its impact on the island's people, culture and cuisine. Highlights include the recreation of a wooden shophouse that shows how its residents lived. Around the corner, you can visit the elaborate, incense-shrouded Taoist temples the Chinese established. 28 Krabi Rd.; Tel.: +66 76 211 224.

4. 重温中国移民的移居历程。两层楼的普吉泰华博物馆(Phuket Thaihua Museum)详细记录了19世纪时从中国华南到普吉的那次具有历史意义的移民潮。在采矿工作的吸引之下,许多福建和广东的华人途经马来西亚来到普吉,帮助改变了这座寂静海岛的面貌。这家博物馆设在一间1930年代的华人学校里,整修得非常漂亮。大量高质量的陈列品详细展示了华人的移民过程及其对普吉岛上的居民、文化和饮食产生的影响。最受瞩目的展品包括重建的一套再现房主如何生活的木结构店屋。博物馆不远处,有几座华人修建的建筑精美、香火鼎盛的道观,不妨去参观一下。地址:甲米路28号(28 Krabi Rd.);电话:+66 76 211 224。


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