





新英语900句之基础篇 lesson36 TALKING ABOUT STUDIES 谈将来学习

发布者: kathy | 发布时间: 2013-5-3 10:51| 查看数: 1689| 评论数: 0|

[00:00.400]--- lesson36 TALKING ABOUT STUDIES 谈将来学习

[00:07.040]--- Basic Patterns 基本句型

[00:11.240]How’s your biology class going?^你的生物课怎么样了?

[00:14.840]It’s interesting,but there’s so much work.^很有趣,但是作业太多了。

[00:19.400]It’s just my opinion,but I think that’s pretty boring.^这只是我的看法,我认为那很枯燥。

[00:24.880]I admit that is pretty interesting.^我承认那很有趣。

[00:29.200]I hope you can keep up with the work.^我希望你能跟上功课。

[00:33.680]Are you doing well in math class?^你的数学课学得好吗?

[00:38.640]Do you understand the chemistry homework?^化学作业你能理解吗?

[00:43.440]It’s hard to hear my English teacher.^很难听清我的英语老师说话。

[00:47.640]I stayed up all night studying for this test.^我一个晚上没睡,为这场测验做准备。

[00:53.280]Did you hear our teacher assigned another paper?^你听到我们老师又布置了一篇论文了吗?

[00:59.320]I’m really bored with this class.^我很厌烦这门课。

[01:03.880]I like biology more than I first thought.^我比当初想象的要更喜欢生物课。

[01:09.680]Could you help with the history homework?^你能帮我做历史作业吗?

[01:14.000]I’m always late for my first class in the morning.^早上的第一节课我总是迟到。

[01:19.640]I have to go study for my French class.^我必须去上法语课了。



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