





新英语900句之基础篇 lesson41 ON THE CAMPUS 在校园里

发布者: kathy | 发布时间: 2013-5-3 10:57| 查看数: 1322| 评论数: 0|

[00:00.440]--- lesson41 ON THE CAMPUS 在校园里

[00:03.760]--- Basic Patterns 基本句型

[00:07.080]I was going over to the library to study.^我正要去图书馆学习。

[00:11.720]I won’t get any studying done there at all.^在那儿我根本就不能学习。

[00:16.640]I’m trying to finish the reading assignment for our physics class.^我在尽力完成我们物理课的阅读作业。

[00:23.280]I’ve got to start preparing tonight.^我必须今晚开始准备。

[00:27.800]The problem is that I missed two days of class last week.^问题是我上个星期缺了两天的课。

[00:34.080]I’ve got to go to baseball practice.^我必须去做棒球训练。

[00:38.760]Are you going to the class meeting later?^你待会儿去开班会吗?

[00:43.400]How many classes have you missed so far?^到目前为止,你缺了多少课?

[00:48.360]He’s involved in too many sports and activities.^他参加了太多的体育运动和其他活动。

[00:53.320]I’m going to the gym for a little bit.^我要去体育馆锻炼一下。

[00:56.880]What are you writing about for your class paper?^你的课程论文写什么?

[01:01.640]I’ve got to go meet a professor.^我必须去见一位教授。

[01:05.760]Do you want to study together?^你想一起学习吗?

[01:08.840]I’m going to get some coffee in the dining hall.^我要去餐厅喝点咖啡。

[01:13.400]The dean wants to meet my parents.^教务长想见见我的父母。



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