





新英语900句之基础篇 lesson51 AT THE HOTEL在旅馆

发布者: kathy | 发布时间: 2013-5-3 11:04| 查看数: 1009| 评论数: 1|

[00:00.040]--- lesson51 AT THE HOTEL在旅馆

[00:04.000]--- Basic Patterns 基本句型

[00:06.920]Welcome to the Comfort Hotel.^欢迎来到康福德旅店。

[00:11.240]I just need a room for two.^我要一间双人房。

[00:15.600]Do you have any vacancies?^你们有空房间吗?

[00:19.960]One double bed will be fine.^一张双人床就行了。

[00:24.160]Would you like a discount on your room charge?^你的住宿费需要打折吗?

[00:28.880]I’m like a wake-up call.^我想要叫醒服务。

[00:32.920]Would you like some help with your bags?^要帮您提包吗?

[00:37.320]We don’t allow pets in our rooms.^我们房间不允许宠物入内。

[00:42.160]Fresh towels are in the bathroom.^干净的毛巾在浴室里。

[00:46.200]Room service can be called at the front desk.^在前台有客房服务。

[00:51.280]Do you want a single or double bed?^您要单人床还是双人床?

[00:55.760]The elevator is at the end of the hall.^电梯在大厅的尽头。

[01:00.400]Outside calls will be added to your bill.^外线电话费会记在您的账单上的。

[01:04.920]I don’t have any hot water in my room.^我的房间里没有热水。

[01:09.440]I need a taxi to the airport.^我需要一辆出租车去机场。



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