





新英语900句之生活篇 lesson5 JOB HUNTING 找工作

发布者: kathy | 发布时间: 2013-5-3 11:37| 查看数: 1618| 评论数: 0|

[00:00.040]--- lesson5JOB HUNTING 找工作

[00:03.120]--- Basic Patterns 基本句型

[00:05.280]I’ve got a job interview today.^我今天要参加一个工作面试。

[00:08.320]Are you hiring right now?^你们现在招人吗?

[00:11.120]Are you taking applications?^你们现在招聘吗?

[00:14.000]I’ve applied to six companies so far.^目前为止,我已经向六家公司递交了应聘申请。

[00:17.320]He’s looking for a job with better pay.^他在找一份薪水更高的工作。

[00:20.600]Do you have any experience in this field?^在这个领域你有工作经验吗?

[00:24.160]Where did you last work?^你最后的工作在哪?

[00:26.600]What was your last job?^你最后一份工作是什么?

[00:29.200]Do you work well with other people?^你能和别人和谐共事吗?

[00:31.840]I really need this job.^我真的很需要这份工作。

[00:34.880]I graduated at the top of my class from Harvard Law School. I concentrated in business law.^我从哈佛法学院毕业,是班上的第一名。我专攻商法。

[00:41.840]Your business has a very good reputation for rewarding its employees that work hard and well.^贵公司对工作努力、业绩卓越的雇员总是给予嘉奖,因此得到了很好的声誉。

[00:48.840]I am very responsible and will work long hours to make sure that my work is done on time and correctly.^我有责任心,为了按时、正确地完成工作愿意加班。

[00:57.040]I believe that you are just the kind of person we would like to hire.^我相信你就是我们想要雇用的这种人。

[01:02.080]Direct eye contact reassures the person that you are confident and honest.^直接的目光接触让人相信你的自信和诚实。



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