





新英语900句之生活篇 lesson17 Sightseeing 观光

发布者: kathy | 发布时间: 2013-5-3 11:47| 查看数: 1423| 评论数: 0|

[00:00.040]--- lesson17 Sightseeing 观光

[00:05.600]--- Basic Patterns 基本句型

[00:09.280]Have you ever seen the Grand Canyon?^你见过大峡谷吗?

[00:13.240]The view is wonderful from up here.^从这儿看过去景色很美丽。

[00:16.960]Let’s go watch the sunset.^我们去看日落吧。

[00:20.600]It’s hard to get a picture in this light.^在这种光线下很难照相。

[00:24.360]The crowds spoiled the scenery.^拥挤的人群破坏了景致。

[00:28.600]The paved road up to the mountain ruined the sense of nature.^那条一直铺到山顶的路破坏了自然的感觉。

[00:33.960]I want to see the desert in western China.^我想去看看中国西部的沙漠。

[00:38.280]He said that the coast was beautiful at sunrise.^他说日出时的海岸很美丽。

[00:43.160]The train goes through some beautiful country.^火车经过一些美丽的乡村。

[00:47.600]Winter is the best time to visit because the snow is so beautiful.^冬天是最好的旅游季节,因为雪景很美丽。

[00:53.440]Where should we go for our vacation this year?^我们今年去哪儿度假?

[00:57.960]I agree that Disney World is a great place for children and they would have a lot of fun, but. . .^我同意迪士尼乐园是孩子们的天堂,在那儿他们会玩得很开心,可是……

[01:04.800]It’s important for the kids to see such an important American landmark.^让孩子们看看这个重要的美国代表性景观,这很重要。

[01:10.600]It’s very popular and they only give a limited number of tours a day.^那地方很受欢迎,每天只允许一定数量的参观者入内参观。

[01:16.640]Part of sightseeing is tasting new foods from different places.^旅游观光的一部分就是尝尝不同地方的没尝过的风味小吃。



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