





新英语900句之生活篇 lesson18 HAVING A PICNIC 野餐

发布者: kathy | 发布时间: 2013-5-3 11:48| 查看数: 1464| 评论数: 0|

[00:00.040]--- lesson18 HAVING A PICNIC 野餐

[00:06.160]--- Basic Patterns 基本句型

[00:10.280]Did you pack enough sandwiches for the picnic?^这次野餐你带够了三明治了吗?

[00:14.560]Let’s find a spot away from the ants.^让我们找一个远离蚂蚁的地方。

[00:19.080]It’s great weather for a picnic.^这真是野餐的好天气。

[00:22.960]Let’s sit at that bench over there.^我们坐到那边的板凳上去吧。

[00:26.920]This spot isn’t too crowded to eat at.^这地方不太挤,就在这吃吧。

[00:30.760]Let’s go eat out by the lake.^我们去湖边吃东西吧。

[00:34.400]A picnic can be a romantic date.^野餐可以是浪漫的约会。

[00:38.760]I have fond memories of picnics with my parents.^和父母一起去野炊给我留下了美好的回忆。

[00:43.560]Make sure you pick up all your trash when you’re finished eating.^你们吃完以后记得把所有的垃圾都带走。

[00:48.480]Is there any beer left in the cooler?^冷藏箱里还有啤酒吗?

[00:52.720]We won’t know how much food to buy until we decide how many people are coming.^只有先确定要来的人数,我们才会知道要买多少食物。

[01:00.120]We should get paper plates and plastic utensils, so we won’t have to do any dishes.^我们应该买纸碟和塑料用具,那我们就不用洗碟子了。

[01:06.880]It’s such a lovely day for a picnic.^今天真是野餐的好天气。

[01:11.320]I really like it when it’s homemade, not the fast food kind.^我非常喜欢家庭自制的食物,而不是快餐店那种。

[01:17.280]The day’s really nice and we should walk off some of this food.^天气这么好,我们去走走,消化一下我们吃的东西。



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