





马云唱响离别之歌 正式卸任CEO

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2013-5-19 10:30| 查看数: 1153| 评论数: 0|

马云唱响离别之歌 正式卸任CEO

There was rain and 40, 000 people in a football stadium. When a man sporting a shiny silver jacket, a black hat and a pair of large glasses appeared on stage and started singing, the audience went ballistic.


The scene resembled a rock concert or an Olympic Games opening ceremony, but it wasn’t.


It was Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.’s massive, somewhat over-the-top celebration of the 10th anniversary of its Taobao online shopping site, the Chinese equivalent of eBay.

这是阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司(Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.)为了庆祝其在线购物网站淘宝创立10周年而举行的盛大晚会。在中国,淘宝相当于美国的eBay。

The singer on stage was Alibaba founder Jack Ma, who started what is now China’s biggest e-commerce company from his apartment in 1999 and stepped down as its chief executive as of Friday. Accompanied by a band –the musicians were also Alibaba employees —the 48-year-old entrepreneur belted out two songs that every Chinese speaker in the audience knew: “I love you, China” and “Friends.”


Many of Alibaba’s 24, 000-plus employees around the world were present at the Hangzhou Huanglong stadium, home to local soccer club Hangzhou Greentown F.C. Some were with their parents and young kids. Some had flown from the U.S., Europe or other parts of the world to attend the once-in-a-decade celebration. Also among the audience were many Alibaba customers, mostly small merchants who sell their products on Taobao. Most people were wearing blue or yellow disposable ponchos they received at the entrance as it had started raining earlier in the evening.


At the event, Mr. Ma passed the baton to his successor Jonathan Lu, who became the company’s new CEO Friday. “Taking over from Jack Ma is a difficult job, ” said Mr. Ma, who will remain chairman but will step back from the company’s day-to-day operations. “All of you trust and support Jonathan just as you have trusted and supported me.”


“I feel very fortunate, ” said Mr. Lu in his first speech as an incoming CEO. When Alibaba’s official blog site announced his appointment for the new role in March, the site said Mr. Lu “shuns the spotlight, ” putting him in contrast with Mr. Ma, one of China’s best-known entrepreneurs who has a reputation for making playful, provocative remarks.


On stage, it was clear that Mr. Lu wasn’t trying to be Mr. Ma. After his predecessor’s songs and speech more than warmed up the audience, Mr. Lu, without jokes or metaphors, shared his views on Alibaba’s future. The key, he said, was how Alibaba can make Taobao, which has over 500 million registered users, and other services “an individualized experience, ” so people can feel that those services are “customized for themselves.”


Under Mr. Lu’s leadership, Alibaba is expected to go through a crucial transitional period. The new CEO also faces a challenging task of redesigning Alibaba’s operations to make sure that the company can stay competitive at a time when the proliferation of smartphones and other mobile devices is quickly reshaping the Internet landscape in China. Alibaba has taken major steps recently to strengthen its mobile-based business through location-based services and social media. On Friday AutoNavi Holdings Ltd. said Alibaba would buy a 28% stake in the Chinese Internet mapping company for $294 million.

预计阿里巴巴将在陆兆禧的带领下经历一个关键的转型期。这名新CEO还面临着一个极具挑战性的任务,那就是对阿里巴巴的业务进行重组,确保在智能手机和其他设备的普及迅速重塑互联网行业版图的过程中,公司仍然具有竞争力。阿里巴巴最近采取了一些重大措施,目的是通过基于位置的服务和社交媒体来加强移动业务。高德(AutoNavi Holdings Ltd.)上周五说,阿里巴巴将斥资2.94亿美元收购这家中国数字地图公司28%的股权。

Last month, Alibaba announced a $586 million deal to take an 18% stake in Sina Corp. Twitter-like Weibo microblog business.


The event featured singers, dancers and other performers. Most of them were Alibaba employees or customers who had been selected though auditions that began months in advance.


“Nobody could ever have thought that Taobao would be successful, and nobody could ever predict the demise of Netscape, ” Mr. Ma said. “A lot of people don’t like changes…but I’m grateful for this era of change.”


When Mr. Ma announced in January that he would step down as CEO, he said that he was “no longer young for the Internet business.” During his speech Friday, he said to many employees in the audience: “I won’t be returning…I will be no use anyway because you will do a better job.”


The three-hour-long event ended with many young Alibaba employees on stage singing and dancing to a song called “Alibaba” by Taiwanese singer Frankie Gao. The chorus part of the song went: “Alibaba is a happy youngster.”



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