






发布者: elaine891031 | 发布时间: 2013-5-20 19:02| 查看数: 1209| 评论数: 0|


As the front man of the Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger is famous throughout the world.


But its not just his talents as a singer which he is famous for. The musician is also renowned for his lips, which he often shows off during his trademark pout.


Here’s a dumb question: if (the young) Mick Jagger was a plant, what would he be? Probably Psychotria Elata, commonly known as Hooker Lips or the Hot Lips Plant for the shape of its bright red bracts that resemble two luscious lips.

这里有一个愚蠢的问题:如果年轻的米克·贾格尔是颗植物,他会是什么呢?可能会是嘴唇花(学名为Psychotria Elata),这种植物通常被叫做妓女的嘴唇或烈焰红唇,因为它明亮的红色花苞很两片丰满嘴唇的形状很类似。

This weird plant might look like the work of a photo editing software, but I can assure you those kissable lips are all natural.


Found in the tropical rain forests of Central and South American countries like Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador, the Psychotria Elatra plant has apparently evolved into its current shape to attract pollinators including hummingbirds and butterflies.


This extraordinary flower has unfortunately become endangered due to uncontrolled deforestation in the above-mentioned countries. So if you’ve ever wanted to plant a kiss on Mother Nature, find yourself a Hot Lips plant and do it while you still can. The bracts are only kissable for a short while, before they spread open to reveal the plant’s flowers.

不幸的是,因为上述国家不节制地砍伐森林,这种特别的花朵已经面临濒危状态。因此,如果你想在大自然种下一个吻,找到 一株烈焰红唇,在你还能有机会的情况下去实践吧。这种植物的苞片只能在伸展展示花朵前短暂保持亲吻的形状。

Mick Jagger was born in 1943 and his astonishing career has spanned more than 50 years. He is often described as one of the most popular and influential front men in the history of rock and roll.



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