






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-5-31 09:30| 查看数: 966| 评论数: 0|

Apple Inc. AAPL -0.83% Chief Executive Tim Cook, defending its prowess as a tech trend-setter, hinted that wearable devices may play a role in future product plans.

苹果(Apple Inc.)的首席执行长库克(Tim Cook)为公司在科技领域的创新能力进行了辩护,并暗示说,在公司未来的产品计划中,可穿戴的设备可能会占有一席之地。

Mr. Cook, speaking during Tuesday's opening interview at the D: All Things Digital conference, praised devices such as Nike Inc.'s NKE +0.78% FuelBand, an activity tracker worn on the wrist. He said such wearable products 'could be a profound area for technology.'

在周二的D: All Things Digital大会的开场采访中,库克称赞了耐克(Nike Inc.)的“燃料腕带”(FuelBand)这样的设备。“燃料腕带”是一款可戴在手腕上测量运动量的产品。他说,这样可穿戴的产品可能成为科技行业中的一个广阔领域。

He provided no further details, as is Apple's custom. But he strongly defended the company's record on innovation, despite recent complaints that the Silicon Valley company has failed to introduce any ground-breaking products lately.


'We have several more game changers in us' that the company has been 'working on for awhile,' Mr. Cook said at the event.


The Wall Street Journal reported in February that Apple is experimenting with designs for a watch-like device that would perform some functions of a smartphone, according to people briefed on the effort.


Mr. Cook opened with a barrage of statistics regarding the performance and user satisfaction of Apple's products like the iPhone and iPad, and also hinted that the company has more offerings in TV up its sleeve.


The Apple CEO spent much of his time striking back at the company's recent challenges, which include questions about its tax policies and stiff competition from rivals such as Samsung Electronics Co. 005930.SE +0.81% But none of the questions is bigger than whether Apple can keep up the pace of product innovation for which the company has become known in recent years.

库克花大部分时间回应了与公司最近面临的挑战有关的问题,问题涉及苹果的纳税政策以及来自三星(Samsung Electronics Co.)等对手激烈竞争。但是与这些问题相比,更重要的一个问题是,苹果能否继续保持最近几年使其大获成功的产品创新步伐。

Worries about Apple losing its cool have weighed on its shares, which ended trading Tuesday at $441.44, about 37% below a September high of $705.07.


Mr. Cook acknowledged that the company's stock price has been disappointing. 'The stock price has been frustrating─it's been frustrating for investors and all of us,' he said.


Recent interest in wearable device has increased with the arrival of Google GOOG +0.91% Glass, which serves as a kind of heads-up display for users to view Internet content. Mr. Cook said it's 'tough to see' Google Inc.'s product having mass-market appeal, but he said other kinds of wearable devices could become quite popular.


The Apple chief, closing in on two years as CEO, said the company ended last year with an 'unprecedented number of new products,' including a smaller version of the iPad tablet computer, a new type of Mac laptop with a high-resolution screen, and an overhauled version of its iTunes digital-entertainment software.


Mr. Cook also hinted Apple's iOS software powering its iPhone and iPad are set for a major upgrade, to be discussed at Apple's software-developer conference in June.


He bristled at statistics that show Apple's smartphones and tablets are losing sales ground to those powered by Google's Android software. He said Apple believes it's more important for its users to be happier than customers of competing devices. 'Winning has never been about making the most,' Mr. Cook said.


Still, more than seven of every 10 new smartphones sold world-wide in the first three months of the year were powered by Google's Android operating software. Apple's market share in smartphones was 18.2%, down from 22.5% a year earlier, according to research firm Gartner Inc. IT +1.16%

尽管如此,今年头三个月中,全球每售出10部新智能手机中,超过七部搭载的是谷歌安卓操作系统。研究机构Gartner Inc.的数据显示,苹果在智能手机市场的份额为18.2%,低于一年前的22.5%。

As he did last week with a Senate panel probing Apple's tax practices, Mr. Cook urged for a simplification of U.S. corporate-tax rules. Congressional investigators recently said Apple set up a tangle of tax-exempt foreign subsidiaries in order to pay little or no corporate taxes on $74 billion over the past four years.


The Congressional investigators haven't said Apple broke the law, but they said the company was particularly aggressive in using corporate-tax loopholes. Mr. Cook took issue on Tuesday with the word 'loopholes,' and said Apple would be fine paying a little more in taxes if the tax code were simpler.



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