





“香格里拉对话”召开 南海问题将成焦点

发布者: elaine891031 | 发布时间: 2013-6-1 05:23| 查看数: 1212| 评论数: 0|

The 12th Asia Security Summit, also known as the Shangri-La Dialogue is set to begin in Singapore. About 31 delegates are participating in this year’s summit.

Qi Jianguo, Deputy Chief of general staff of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army will deliver a speech on Sunday. In his speech, he will illustrate China’s defense policies and proposals for regional security cooperation. US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, as well as defense chiefs from Britain, France, Germany and the EU, will all join the meeting for the first time.

The summit serves to cultivate a sense of community among the most important policymakers in the defense and security community in the region. Government delegates are making the best of the meeting by holding bilateral meetings with other delegations on the sidelines of the conference. This year’s summit will end on June 2th.


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