





2012年10月19日 北美托福考试 口语真题

发布者: elaine891031 | 发布时间: 2013-6-3 17:00| 查看数: 1683| 评论数: 0|

2012年10月19日 北美托福考试 口语真题

Question 2

Narrator: You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.

Some people answer phone calls or send text messages in the middle of a conversation, what do you think of this behavior? Is it good or not? Please include specific details in your explanation.

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds

Response Time: 45 Seconds

Sample Response 参考答案


To answer cellphones or send text messagesin the middle of a conversation is wrong. There are tworeasons for this judgment.

Reason 1

In the first place, this behavior is rude. If you are talking to me, talk to me! Answering the phone or sending a text message tells me I am not important to you. It's like telling me to go away. Unless you think a call is an emergency, you should not interruptour conversation. How would you feel if someone did this to you?

Reason 2

Second, trying to carry on two conversations at once is not effective. If you try to talk to two people, you really pay attention to neither. In fact, you may become confused. You may alsoconfuse the people you talk to. So, like the saying goes, "One thing at a time."


You don't want to be rude and you want to communicate effectively. So you should not answer phone calls orsend text messages while you are talking to someone.


send text messages 发短信 emergency 紧急事件 interrupt 打断;中断 confuse 使困惑 communicate effectively 有效地进行沟通

2012年9月15日 北美托福考试 口语真题

Question 2

Narrator: You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.

Should employers require employees to wear formal clothes rather than casual clothes? Please include specific details in your explanation.

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds

Response Time: 45 Seconds

Sample Response 参考答案


I feel that a staff member should dress according to the type of work he or she does.

Reason 1

First, a garbage man should definitely not wear a business suitto work, because hehandles trash, and a clean suit would be quickly ruined.

Reason 2

However, if you are a salesperson or a businessman and you are alwaysin contact with customers or clients, then you should dressa little smartand formal to show that you are professionaland thus make them trust you. This will help you achieve your goals.


staff member (=employee)职员business suit 西装handle 处理;搬运ruin 毁坏in contact with 接触…;与…打交道client 客户dress smart 穿得漂亮professional 专业的;职业的

2012年01月21日 北美托福考试 口语真题

Question 2

Narrator: You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.

Do you agree or disagree: spending time with one’s family is more important than spending time at work? Why?

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds

Response Time: 45 Seconds

Sample Response 参考答案


In my opinion, spending time with my family is more important for two reasons.

Reason 1

To begin with, family members rely on us more than we rely on our jobs. Our jobs might come and go, but to me the family is the mostvitalcomponent of a happy life. If we are promoted to a higher salary, this would mean more work and pressure in the future. I prefer a relaxed life in the company ofmy family.

Reason 2

Most importantly, our wives and children require emotionalsupportand safety. If we dedicate more time to our work than toour families, then our families won’t be happy. This will often lead toestranged children and depressed housewives.


come and go 变来变去 vital 至关重要的 in the company of 和…在一起 emotional support 感情支柱 dedicate sth to 把某物投入到… estranged 性格孤僻的


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