






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-6-6 11:01| 查看数: 867| 评论数: 0|

Executives world-wide are on the move again -- and rental prices are rising to the occasion.


The upswing includes places that haven't seen such surges before. New sectors are expanding into emerging markets -- like the automobile industry in Shanghai, and accounting and law in Hong Kong -- and sparking demand for high-end rentals, as weak European economies force companies to look elsewhere for business.


Four cities that have seen some of the biggest jumps in rental prices over the past year are Dubai, where an apartment in a prime location surged 14.3% from 2012 to $3,628 a month for a two-bedroom; Beijing, up 8.5% to $3,125 a month; Shanghai, up 6.1% to $3,387; and Hong Kong, up 3.7% to $6,223, according to Knight Frank, a global property consultancy based in London.

据总部位于伦敦的国际房地产咨询公司莱坊(Knight Frank)数据,过去一年以下四座城市的租金涨幅位居世界前列:迪拜,黄金地段两卧室公寓的租金达到3,628美元一个月,较2012年上涨14.3%;北京,涨8.5%至3,125美元;上海,涨6.1%至3,387美元;香港,涨3.7%至6,223美元。

Expat living, on the whole, seems to be on the rise, with global rents jumping 5.1% over the past year in 11 global cities surveyed. New York City grew a relatively modest 4.5% but has the highest monthly rent -- roughly $8,200 a month -- of the cities surveyed.


Knight Frank's latest Global Corporate Lettings Review looked at prime rental demand in the 11 cities, largely based on expatriate demand. Knight Frank surveyed its teams world-wide to see what properties and amenities are most often requested by corporate executives working abroad, and what price is 'typical' for the area. The report is scheduled to be released Friday.

莱坊最新一份《全球企业租金调查报告》(Global Corporate Lettings Review)考察了11座城市以外派人员需求为主的黄金地段租房需求。莱坊调查了它在世界各地的团队,看外派企业高管要求最多的是哪种房产和配套设施,以及地区内的“典型”价格是多少。报告在5月24日发布。

Corporate accommodations account for up to 85% of prime apartments in some cities, said Kate Everett-Allen, international residential analyst at Knight Frank, who worked on the report.

参与报告编写的莱坊国际住宅分析师凯特•埃弗里特-艾伦(Kate Everett-Allen)说,部分城市的黄金地段公寓楼当中,企业租赁居所占比高的可达85%。

'We saw a big drop-off in [human resources] budgets post-2008. Now that's starting to come back, but it's coming back stronger in these emerging markets as opposed to traditional markets,' she said.


For expats, ease of living is key. Roughly 90% of corporate staffers in Shanghai and 100% in Beijing request furnished units, according to the report. In New York, only 10% ask for furnished units. Ultraluxurious amenities sometimes outrank other factors, such as location or size, says Josh Doyle, senior vice president and associate broker at Corcoran.

对于外派人员来说,居住是否便利是一个关键的考量点。报告显示,大约90%的驻沪人员和100%的驻京人员要求精装修,而在纽约,只有10%的人要求精装修。据Corcoran高级副总裁、挂靠经纪人(associate broker)乔希•多伊尔(Josh Doyle)说,有时候超豪华的配套设施比地段或面积之类的其他条件更重要。

Mr. Doyle recently worked with a Vancouver, British Columbia, couple who had to relocate to New York City for work. At first, they looked in neighborhoods downtown to be close to their office. Eventually they settled in a $13,000-a-month, two-bedroom apartment in midtown -- drawn to more than 44,000 square feet of amenities offered by One MiMA Tower, the luxury rental residences on West 42nd Street.

前不久,多伊尔为一对来自加拿大温哥华、需要搬到纽约工作的夫妇找房子。他们起初考察了离上班地点近的下城社区,最后在中城西42街豪华租赁楼盘“One MiMA Tower”一套月租1.3万美元的两卧室公寓中安顿了下来。这套房子吸引他们的地方在于该楼盘面积超过4.4万平方英尺(约合4,088平方米)的配套设施。

Last year, the first year Knight Frank released this report, Shanghai saw the biggest year-to-year increase in rental prices, at 8.2%.


This year, Dubai showed the most growth.


'Downtown Dubai has matured quite a lot over the past 18 months,' Ms. Everett-Allen said. 'Location is pretty much key.'



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