





哈尔滨出现勇敢叔 东北汉勇救坠楼少年

发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2013-6-9 01:57| 查看数: 731| 评论数: 0|

HARBIN — Few people would dare to catch an object that weighs 55 kilograms falling from the fifth floor. But Xie Shangwei, 29, did not hesitate to open his arms when a teenager in his neighborhood dropped from that height in Handian township, Northeast China's Heilongjiang province, on Friday.


"I was not thinking about anything, but I acted on my instinct to save his life," said Xie, who only suffered minor injuries as a result. "Every parent in that situation would not hesitate to risk their arms," added the man, who is father to a 6-year-old girl.

谢尚威受了一些轻伤,他表示:“我当时没想太多,只是本能救人。任何父母看到这样的情形都不会犹豫。” 谢尚威有一个6岁的女儿。

The teenager Fu Jiawei's face was stained by blood after the accident. He sustained contusions to the body and vomited when being transferred to hospital. However, doctors said Fu would be discharged from the hospital in two to three weeks despite bone fractures and cerebral bleeding that is not life-threatening.


Xie, hailed as a "hero" by local residents after the accident, had mobility difficulties because of minor injuries on his tailbone and waist.


Fu's mother said she asked the boy to set off firecrackers that day and then heard a scream soon after. Fu was clinging to the frame of a window, his body dangling outside. She then grabbed her son's hands while shouting for help.


Xie was passing by at the time and acted fast to catch the falling teenager. The force of the impact caused him to immediately black out. When he awoke, Xie found his jacket zipper had burst open.


Online commentators said the courage and willingness to help others shown by these people challenge the claim that morals have deteriorated in Chinese society.


"Such a good deed is a ray of sunshine that warms and encourages us," posted one netizen Wang Xuemei. "I believe virtue will be rewarded."



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