






发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2013-6-11 18:10| 查看数: 981| 评论数: 0|

With wages in China rising at about 12 per cent annually after adjusting for inflation over the past few years, it's easy to think that lower-cost countries such as Bangladesh, Vietnam and Indonesia will benefit.


But the conventional wisdom that China will attract less foreign direct investment (FDI) as manufacturing moves away is wrong, according to a new report from the Economist Intelligence Unit.

一般认为,随着制造业外流,中国吸引的外来直接投资(FDI)将会减少。但根据经济学人智库(Economist Intelligence Unit)新近发表的一份报告,这种常见观点是错误的。

The main beneficiaries from rising labour costs on China's coasts are instead China's inland provinces, which will attract huge amounts of FDI in coming years.


While EIU research showed that the textile sector in China was shrinking at an annual rate of 6 per cent a year, China remains the hub for manufacturing of computer products and value-added goods, not to mention retail and services in general.


By 2015, EIU predicts that Liaoning in the northeast will be attracting as much as $50bn in inbound FDI, while Sichuan will attract about $18bn. To put this in perspective, the whole of India pulled in $78bn in the first ten months of 2010.


China's most industrialised province of Guangdong, a magnet for FDI since the 1980s, will not do too shabbily either, pulling in as much as $33bn in 2015.


The shift inland is already apparent in Chongqing in western China where party boss Bo Xilai has successfully made the investment climate attractive for the likes of Hewlett-Packard and others. The EIU points out that in 2007, Chongqing was ranked 22nd on a list of 31 provinces ranked by inbound FDI. Last year, it attracted as much as $11bn.


The other big trend identified by the EIU is that services is attracting more investment than ever. FDI in both wholesale and retail has grown by nearly 40 per cent a year over the past five years.


In places like Xiamen in Fujian province, one of the earliest beneficiaries of FDI from Taiwan dating back to the 1980s, services FDI in sectors like IT and scientific research and technical services has been booming. About three-fifths of the FDI in Xiamen is in services.


What this barrage of numbers suggests is that China's place at the very top of the league tables of inbound FDI among developing countries is not about to be vacated in the foreseeable future.


One reason is that productivity has been growing about as fast as wages in China, softening the impact of a rising wage bill for manufacturers and those in the service sector.


The education levels for its workers are also far superior to that in India and Indonesia. Last month, an annual survey by Pratham, an educational charity in India, found that the majority of fifth grade students among those surveyed could not read texts for second grade students. Maths levels were also sub-par – altogether the survey painted a dismal picture of a country local business papers like to refer to as a "knowledge hub" for the world.




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