






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-6-13 10:00| 查看数: 935| 评论数: 0|

Last week, during a five-day trip through Latin America and the Caribbean, I visited a cut-flower farm outside Bogota, Colombia, an hour's drive from downtown that would have been impossibly dangerous 10 years ago. Along the way I passed office parks, movie theaters and subdivisions, interspersed with small ranches and family businesses. At the flower farm, one-quarter of the workers are female heads of households. The carnations and roses they were clipping would arrive in U.S. stores within days, duty free.


What I saw on the flower farm was just one sign of the economic blossoming in the year since a U.S. free-trade agreement with Colombia went into force. Over that period, American exports to the country are up 20%.


The U.S. experience with Colombia reflects a larger economic boom across the Western Hemisphere that offers many exciting partnership opportunities for American business. In Rio de Janeiro, I met with Brazilian and American business leaders─representing the aerospace, energy, construction and manufacturing sectors─who laid out a remarkable vision for prosperity that spans the Americas. As these business leaders made clear, Latin America today is a region transformed. Elections that once were exceptions are now largely the norm. In a growing number of places, conflicts between left and right have given way to peaceful, practical governance. And in the process, Latin America's middle class has grown 50% in the past decade alone. By some estimates, it is nearly the size of China's.


There is enormous potential─economically, politically and socially─for the U.S. in its relations with countries of the Western Hemisphere. And so the Obama administration has launched the most sustained period of U.S. engagement with the Americas in a long, long time─including the president's travel to Mexico and Costa Rica last month; my own recent trip to Colombia, Trinidad, and Brazil; Secretary of State Kerry's participation in the Organization of American States' annual meeting in Guatemala; the president of Chile's visit to Washington this week and a planned visit to Washington by the president of Peru. Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff arrives in Washington in October for the first state visit of the second term.

对美国而言,发展同西半球国家的关系有着巨大的潜力,不管是在经济方面、政治方面还是在社会组织方面。因此,奥巴马政府已经在与美洲国家进行接触,这是在很长、很长时间以来美国与美洲国家接触过程中最具持续性的一段时期,包括总统上个月访问了墨西哥和哥斯达黎加;我自己也访问了哥伦比亚、特立尼达和多巴哥以及巴西;国务卿克里参加了美洲国家组织(Organization of American States)在危地马拉举办的年会;智利总统访问华盛顿;秘鲁总统也在计划访问华盛顿。巴西总统罗塞夫(Dilma Rousseff)将于10月到访华盛顿,这是奥巴马第二任期内,罗塞夫对美国的首次国事访问。

As leaders across the region work to lift their citizens out of poverty and to diversify their economies from commodity-led growth, the U.S. believes that the greatest promise─for Americans and for our neighbors─lies in deeper economic integration and openness.


The process is further along than you might think. Not only is the U.S. deepening what is already a trillion-dollar trading relationship with Mexico and Canada─we also have free-trade agreements that stretch nearly continuously from Canada to Chile.


One of the most promising developments is the year-old Alliance of the Pacific among Chile, Colombia, Peru and Mexico. This pact, involving four of the region's fastest-growing countries, now has nations across the world seeking to participate or to play a positive supporting role. We're one of those nations. By committing to lowering trade barriers and integrating diplomatic and commercial interests, alliance members are showing that pragmatism, not ideology, is the secret to success. The effort also serves as a reminder of the deep connections between our enhanced engagement in this hemisphere and our Asia-Pacific rebalance.


For Brazil, as for the U.S., one of the most important frontiers is energy. From biofuels to deep-water oil reserves to shale gas to hydroelectric, Brazil is energy-rich, and that has tremendous implications globally. Brazil already is a leading expert in renewables and deep-water extraction, but both of our countries can advance further if we work together. I know from my meeting with President Rousseff that Brazil is equally committed to an energy partnership.


Ultimately, all of these economic opportunities rest on democratic protections and citizen security. Through the Inter American Democratic Charter, the nations of the hemisphere committed to promote and defend representative democracy; this commitment remains as important as ever to the success of the Americas. And from Mexico to the Caribbean to Colombia, we remain invested in long-term security partnerships. The U.S. will continue to stand by Colombia as it seeks to bring an end to the longest-running conflict in the Americas and inspires other countries in the region to overcome their own challenges.

归根结蒂,所有这些经济方面的机遇,若要抓住都有赖于民主制度和公民安全的保障。通过签署《美洲国家民主宪章》(Inter American Democratic Charter),美洲国家致力于促进并捍卫代议制民主。对于确保美洲国家的成功,这一承诺依然发挥着和以往任何时候一样重要的作用。从墨西哥到加勒比海国家再到哥伦比亚,美国仍然在对同这些国家结成的长期安全合作伙伴关系进行投资。在哥伦比亚试图结束美洲国家历史上持续时间最长的国内冲突、并激励该地区其它国家成功解决各自面临的挑战的同时,美国将继续支持哥伦比亚。

That's going to require some honest conversations, like the one that will take place next week at the OAS General Assembly on drug policy. Similarly, many countries have serious concerns about weapons coming from the U.S. and are angry about our criminal-deportation policy for its lack of transparency. We won't shy away from these kinds of difficult discussions.


Here at home, we need to reform our immigration system because it is the right thing to do for our own country. But it also will strengthen our standing in the hemisphere. Success in international relations, like any relationship, comes down to respect. And fully realizing the potential of these new relationships requires treating people from other nations living inside our borders with respect.


The changes under way invite the U.S. to look at Latin America and the Caribbean in a very different way. The defining question for U.S. policy is no longer 'what can we do for the Americas?' It is 'what can we do together?'


In the 1990s, we imagined a Europe that is whole, free and at peace. Today, I believe we can credibly envision an Americas that is solidly middle-class, secure and democratic─from the Arctic Circle to the Tierra del Fuego and everywhere in between.

在20世纪90年代,我们曾设想欧洲融为一体,充满自由与和平。今天,我相信我们有充分理由设想美洲的前景:从北极圈到火地岛(Tierra del Fuego),以及这之间的所有美洲国家都实现安全、民主,并且拥有稳固的中产阶级群体。


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