






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-6-13 12:00| 查看数: 863| 评论数: 0|

Government officials from North and South Korea held their first talks in over two years on Sunday to prepare for a higher-level meeting scheduled for Wednesday over reopening joint projects, including a landmark industrial park shuttered earlier this year.


The preparatory talks, held at the border village of Panmunjom, where the truce ending the 1950-53 Korean War was signed, mark the first government-level meeting since February 2011 and a positive development in thawing bilateral relations.


Such relations have been frozen since the North cut communications channels with Seoul and ratcheted up its war rhetoric against South Korea-U.S. joint military drills early this year.


Kim Hyung-suk, a spokesman for Seoul's Unification Ministry, which is in charge of North Korea issues, said the two Koreas shared the view that ministers should meet.

负责朝鲜问题的韩国统一部(Unification Ministry)的发言人金炯锡(Kim Hyung-suk)说,韩国和朝鲜都认为,两国部长应该举行会晤。

After rejecting calls from the South for official talks for several weeks, Pyongyang unexpectedly proposed dialogue over resuming operations at the jointly run Kaesong Industrial Complex and other inter-Korean issues last week. In a further reconciliatory gesture, North Korea on Friday restored a Red Cross hotline with the South, which it had severed in March.


South Korea responded by proposing ministerial-level talks in Seoul on June 12, to which the North later agreed. Both Koreas haven't met at the ministerial level since 2007.


A successful meeting would represent a victory for South Korean President Park Geun-hye, who took office in February and has maintained her policy of 'trustpolitik' that combines vows of strong counteraction to any provocations by the North with efforts to build trust and improve relations.

如果会议能够取得成功,这将是韩国总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)的一次胜利。今年2月就职的朴槿惠一直实施“信赖外交”(Trustpolitik)的政策,该政策一方面承诺对朝鲜的任何挑衅行为予以强有力的反击,另一方面努力建立互信和改善关系。

'Today's working-level talks will lay the groundwork for improving inter-Korean relations,' said Chun Hae-sung, head of the southern delegation, before leaving for Panmunjom earlier Sunday. 'The development of South and North Korean relations starts from little things and gradual trust-building.'

韩国代表团团长千海成(Chun Hae-sung)周日早些时候在前往板门店之前说,今天的工作级会谈将为改善韩朝关系打下基础。韩朝关系的发展将从小事和逐渐建立信任开始。

During the preparatory talks, the delegates discussed administrative and technical issues such as the agenda for the ministerial meeting and the size of the delegations, said Mr. Kim.


In addition to the Kaesong complex, which the North closed in April, the two Koreas Wednesday will discuss ways of reopening the Mount Kumgang resort, which was developed and operated by a South Korean company inside the North but closed in 2008 after a North Korean soldier shot and killed a South Korean tourist.


Talks between the two sides could also cover humanitarian issues, including resuming meetings between families separated by the Korean War, the North said last week.


North Korea's nuclear program isn't likely to be part of the talks as neither side has mentioned it.


Analysts express wariness about North Korea's intentions, with some viewing its interest in dialogue as part of a pattern where Pyongyang follows aggressive rhetoric and provocations with diplomatic efforts to trade an easing of tension for outside concessions.


Over the weekend, North Korean state media reiterated its combative rhetoric, calling a recent joint military drill by the U.S. and South Korea a war rehearsal.


'This can never be overlooked as it is a dangerous attempt to ignite a new war on the Korean peninsula at any cost,' said Rodong Shinmun, the North's main newspaper, according to the Korean Central News Agency.

据朝中社(Korean Central News Agency)报道,朝鲜主要报纸《劳动新闻》(Rodong Shinmun)说,这种情况永远都不能被忽视,因为这是不惜一切代价在朝鲜半岛上重燃战火的危险尝试。

South Korea's Yonhap News on Saturday reported, citing an unnamed military source, that North Korea has set up a no-sail zone in the sea off its west coast for an artillery exercise this week.

韩国联合通讯社(Yonhap News Agency)上周六援引未具名的军方消息人士的话报道说,朝鲜已在西海岸附近设立禁航区,目的是为本周的火炮演习做准备。

An official at Seoul's Defense Ministry on Sunday declined to confirm the report.



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