






发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2013-6-14 18:58| 查看数: 857| 评论数: 0|

The Republican presidential race has been all about the economy. With sluggish economic growth and millions of Americans still out of work, the candidates for the nomination have been trying to portray themselves as the best person to fix it.


But social issues — which have energised Republican politics for decades — returned dramatically to the fore during the past week, with controversies involving contraception and abortion, religious freedom and same-sex marriage filling the airwaves.


"For a substantial portion of the Republican base, this is the central issue," says Bill Galston, a respected political analyst at the Brookings Institution. "They are concerned about what they see as the cultural decay of America."

“对偏向共和党的很大一部分选民来说,这才是中心问题。”备受尊敬的布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)政治问题分析师比尔•盖尔斯顿(Bill Galston)指出,“他们认为美国的文化正在衰败,并为此感到担心。”

The spotlight on social issues will probably benefit Rick Santorum, who won a clean sweep in the nomination contests in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri on Tuesday night.

对社会问题的关注,或许将令里克•桑托勒姆(Rick Santorum)从中受益。近日,在科罗拉多州、明尼苏达州和密苏里州的总统候选人提名之争中,桑托勒姆大获全胜。

A social conservative with hardline views — he opposes abortion in all cases, including rape and incest — he has focused his campaign efforts on Christian conservatives. He has been unapologetic about putting social issues front and centre, even in a time of economic strife.


But Mr Santorum, a Catholic with seven children, played down the role the contraception issue played in his victories. "I don't think it was a big issue at all," he told Fox News yesterday morning. "Our numbers were doing much better before this controversy came up."

不过,有着7个孩子的天主教徒桑托勒姆却认为,节育问题在帮助他获胜的过程中所起的作用其实没那么大。“我完全不认为这是一个重要的问题。”他向福克斯新闻(Fox News)表示,“这一争议出现前,我们的支持率要高得多。”

Still, analysts say the issues played to Mr Santorum's strengths with his party's conservative base.


Social issues have garnered new attention since the Obama administration ordered last week that employers — including Catholic hospitals and universities — must provide health insurance for contraception, including the morning-after pill.


This comes after a decision, later reversed, by the Susan G. Komen breast cancer foundation to pull funding from Planned Parenthood, a service that provides contraception and abortions, after being put under pressure.

此前,由于受到压力,苏珊•G•科门(Susan G. Komen)乳腺癌基金会决定将资金从提供节育和堕胎服务的计划生育联盟(Planned Parenthood)中撤出。不过后来,该基金会取消了这一计划。

It also coincides with a federal court ruling declaring California's voter-supported ban on gay marriage was unconstitutional.


"When you couple social issues with broader concerns like freedom of conscience, it's bigger than a pure social issue," said Mike Franc of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank. "This is not just about contraception, it's about who gets to make core decisions."

“当你把社会问题与更广层面的担忧,比如良知的自由联系起来时,它就不只是一个纯粹的社会问题了。”保守派智库传统基金会(Heritage Foundation)的迈克•弗兰克(Mike Franc)表示,“这不仅是节育的问题,而是重大决定将由谁来作出的问题。”

Social conservatives have played a decisive role in presidential politics in recent decades. George W. Bush courted them assiduously in his successful campaigns in 2000 and 2004, while John McCain appeared less comfortable addressing their concerns in 2008.

最近几十年间,社会保守派在大选政治中扮演着关键性的角色。乔治•W•布什(George W. Bush)在2000年和2004年成功竞选的过程中,对他们不敢有丝毫怠慢,而约翰•麦凯恩(John McCain) 2008年竞选时,面对社会保守派提出的问题,应对起来则显得不那么从容。

The Tea Party's focus on the size of the US government and the budget put social issues in the background, but recent debate has rekindled passions.


Catholic leaders have responded angrily to the Obama administration's directive on providing contraception, saying it would force them to subsidise and offer a practice that goes against their beliefs.


The issue is even more high-stakes given that Catholics are the biggest swing religious bloc of the electorate and routinely vote for the eventual president.


Seeing Mr Santorum gaining in the polls, Mitt Romney, the frontrunner for the nomination who has been accused of "flip-flopping" on social issues for the sake of political expediency, has also sought — unsuccessfully — to win over social conservatives this week.

看到桑托勒姆的民调支持率上升后,米特•罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)最近也试图赢得社会保守派的支持——但结果却事与愿违。有人指责,在共和党初选中领跑的罗姆尼出于政治便利的考虑,在社会问题上的态度总是“飘忽不定”。

Mr Romney has joined the chorus of criticism against the administration, calling its new regulations an attack on "religious liberty", apparently in an attempt to appeal both to the religious right and centrist Catholic voters.


The administration's new directive was a real blow "to our friends in the Catholic faith," Mr Romney, who is a Mormon, said in Loveland, Colorado, this week.


“This kind of assault on religion will end if I'm president of the United States,” Mr Romney said.




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