






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-6-20 09:30| 查看数: 754| 评论数: 1|

Every sport has its seminal, game-changing moment, when new techniques or technology brings about a revolution in play.


For ping pong, that moment came in 1952.


Rec room historians love to tell the tale of Marty Reisman, the skinny Jewish kid from Manhattan's Lower East Side who entered that year's Table Tennis World Championships in Bombay as the front-runner. Standing in Reisman's way was the little-known Japanese player Hiroji Satoh, who used an unorthodox paddle fashioned with spongy rubber on each side. Unlike the hard, sandpaper-sided paddles of the day, the sponge allowed Satoh to manipulate the ball with vicious spins, flummoxing his opponents. With his competitive advantage, Satoh handily beat Reisman en route to the world title.

研究娱乐的历史学家们总是对马蒂•赖斯曼(Marty Reisman)的故事津津乐道。这位来自曼哈顿下东区(Manhattan's Lower East Side)的身材瘦削的犹太小伙子作为乒乓球运动的领军人物参加了当年在印度孟买(Bombay)举行的乒乓球世界锦标赛(Table Tennis World Championships)。赖斯曼要闯的一关是名不见经传的日本选手佐藤博治(Hiroji Satoh),他使用了一块双面都有海绵橡胶的非传统球拍。与当时质地较硬的砂纸球拍不同,这种海绵球拍让佐藤可以打出刁钻的旋转球,这令对手仓皇失措。由于他的竞争优势,佐藤在夺得世界冠军的道路上轻松击败了赖斯曼。

Sponge quickly replaced sandpaper paddles on the international circuit. Asian players came to dominate, and the sport evolved into its modern era, where spin decides the outcome.


Reisman refused to evolve. His flamboyant style and hustler persona made him America's foremost ping pong personality, and he used his celebrity to promote 'hardbat' competitions, which outlawed sponge paddles in favor of old-school sandpaper. Until his death in December at age 82, Reisman would tell anyone within earshot why sandpaper was superior to sponge.


'If you got Marty started on hardbat versus sponge, he'd talk to you all night, maybe until 2 a.m.,' said Dean Johnson, Reisman's longtime friend and member of the Table Tennis Hall of Fame. 'That was his life. He really hated sponge.'

“如果你让马蒂打开了硬拍和海绵球拍对比的话匣子,他会一晚上都和你讲这个东西,可能一直讲到凌晨两点,”赖斯曼终身的老朋友、乒乓球名人堂(Table Tennis Hall of Fame)的成员迪安•约翰逊(Dean Johnson)说,“他这辈子就是这样,实在不喜欢海绵球拍。”

Reisman's arguments against sponge and spin have become the battle cry of table tennis purists. Excessive spin, they say, shortens rallies and puts too much emphasis on a player's wrist movement, not his foot speed and lateral reach. The shortened rallies make the game boring to watch. And sponge rackets can cost in excess of $300.


'It's hard to keep the ball on the table with sponge,' said Tahl Leibovitz, a member of the U.S. Paralympic team. 'Sponge is a more complex game because deception is part of it.'

“用海绵球拍打球,很难把球控制在台内,”美国残奥会乒乓球队的塔赫尔•莱博维茨(Tahl Leibovitz)说,“用海绵球拍让比赛变得更复杂,因为其中已掺杂了假动作。”

In the months since Reisman's death, his hardbat movement has gained steam in ping pong bars and professional table-tennis halls across the world. This past January, veteran English sports promoter Barry Hearn organized the World Championships of Ping Pong at the Alexandra Palace in London. The stock-car style tournament forced players to use sandpaper paddles.

在赖斯曼去世后的几个月里,他的硬拍运动在全世界的乒乓球吧和专业乒乓球会馆里得到大力推进。今年一月,英国资深体育比赛发起人巴里•赫恩(Barry Hearn)在伦敦亚历山大宫(Alexandra Palace)组织了乒乓球世界冠军大奖赛(the World Championships of Ping Pong)。这项类似改装车大赛风格的比赛强制参赛选手使用砂纸球拍。

Hearn, who has helped snooker, fishing and darts become mainstream televised sports in Great Britain, got the idea after meeting Reisman in 2009. Hearn saw images of Reisman playing at the Garden in the early 1950s in front of 20,000 fans and saw potential.

赫恩是在2009年与赖斯曼会晤后产生这种想法的,他曾帮助斯诺克台球、垂钓和飞镖成为英国电视转播的主流体育运动。赫恩见到了赖斯曼1950年代初期在花园体育馆(the Garden)里在20,000名球迷面前挥拍的照片,于是他看到了契机。

'For once in my life, I looked backward rather than forward in history, and I found out that current table tennis had no television appeal,' Hearn said. 'The rallies are too short. It lacks athleticism. It's just not big enough.'


Hearn filled Alexandra Palace with booming rock music for the competition, and he made sure the beer stands were always pouring. He wooed top players with a $100,000 prize purse─10 times greater than Table Tennis's U.S. Open pays its winner. The two-day tournament attracted several thousand spectators and a million television viewers on Sky Sports.

赫恩让摇滚乐在比赛时响彻亚历山大宫,他还确保啤酒摊不断有酒供应,他以10万美元的奖金争取顶级选手前来参赛──10倍于美国乒乓球公开赛(Table Tennis's U.S. Open)给胜者的奖金。为期两天的大奖赛吸引了数千名现场观众以及天空体育台(Sky Sports)的100万名电视观众。

'Guys would make these amazing shots from 15 feet past the table and just smash it into the corner,' Hearn said. 'The rallies went on and on. The crowd would go crazy.'


In New York City, Reisman's vision has continued at a more grass roots level. In 2007 he founded the company Table Tennis Nation alongside former elite player and entrepreneur Tony Ettinger to produce simple sandpaper paddles for mass distribution.

在纽约,赖斯曼的愿景在草根阶层得到了更多的延续。2007年他与前乒乓球优秀选手、企业家托尼•埃廷格(Tony Ettinger)共同创办了乒乓国度(Table Tennis Nation)公司,批量生产简易的砂纸球拍。

The group now manufactures sandpaper paddles that are designed to make the game easier for novice players. The face of the sandpaper paddle is 25% bigger than that of a competition-grade sponge paddle. Layered wood and a carbon-fiber interior also create a bigger 'sweet spot.' It costs just $30, and players can customize designs on the paddle's face.


Ettinger claims the paddle also neutralizes spin from sponge paddles.


'A $300 sponge paddle tries to shorten the rallies,' Ettinger said. 'Our paddle is designed to make it easier to return the ball.'


Table Tennis Nation promotes hardbat play at bars and restaurants around the city, and the upscale table-tennis club SPIN, with amateur tournaments it calls Slams. It also holds regular competitions at the headquarters of various tech startups, where ping pong tables have become regular office furniture.


The company's paddle, however, won't be seen at international tournament soon. The International Table Tennis Federation bans sandpaper paddles, requiring all players to use sponge.

不过,该公司的球拍不会很快在国际比赛中露脸。国际乒乓球联合会(The International Table Tennis Federation,简称ITTF)禁止使用砂纸球拍,要求所有运动员使用海绵球拍。

Dr. Michael Babuin, chairman of USA Table Tennis, said the ITTF has no motivation to promote cheap sandpaper paddles, when the technology used in sponge paddles continues to drive the sport forward.

美国乒协主席迈克尔•巴布因(Michael Babuin)说,海绵球拍使用的技术还在继续推动这项运动向前发展的时候,国际乒联是无意推广价格低廉的砂纸球拍的。

'They are not in the business of promoting sandpaper bats, they are in the business of promoting higher-dollar bats,' Babuin said.


But Babuin believes the hardbat competitions could help bring more recreational participants further into the sport. A statistic often repeated by table tennis aficionados holds that 20 million Americans play recreational table tennis each year. USA Table Tennis, by contrast, has a membership of 9,000.


'We need to develop a grass-roots level,' Babuin said. 'In my opinion, there is no better way to bring people into the sport than with a sandpaper paddle.'


Sandpaper's defeat by sponge frustrated Reisman for decades, said Johnson, who is writing a book on the history of American table tennis from 1931-1966. The chapter on Reisman contains numerous photos of the table tennis hero alongside various celebrities, always dressed in flashy styles, dark glasses and a fedora.


The book also contains a photo of a then 22-year-old Reisman, just before his famous match with Satoh in 1952. In the final years of his life, Johnson said, Reisman began to view his defeat by Satoh as a positive chapter in his life.


'It tickled him because so many people talked about what a tragedy it was that he lost in 1952,' Johnson said. 'But if he'd won, maybe he'd just be some other world champion.'



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