






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-6-21 09:55| 查看数: 913| 评论数: 0|

Should the west arm the Syrian rebels? That is the issue of the day in Washington, London and at the Group of Eight summit. But behind this debate lies a bigger question. Can western powers continue to shape the future of the Middle East as they have for the past century?


The current, increasingly fragile borders of the Middle East are, to a large extent, the product of some lines on the map drawn by Britain and France in the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916. The era when Britain and France were the dominant outside powers ended definitively with the Suez crisis of 1956 – when the US pulled the plug on the two nations’ intervention in Egypt. During the cold war, the US and the USSR were the big players. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, America stood alone as the great power in the Middle East: organising the coalition to defeat Saddam Hussein in 1991, protecting the flow of oil from the Gulf, containing Iran and attempting to broker a peace settlement between Israel and the Arab states.

当前中东越来越脆弱的国境线,在很大程度上是按照1916年签订的《赛克斯-皮科协定》(Sykes-Picot Agreement),在英国和法国绘制的地图上划定的几条线。英法作为外来强权主导这一地区的时代,在1956年苏伊士危机(Suez crisis)期间彻底告终,当时美国阻止了英法两国对埃及的干涉。冷战期间,美国和苏联是这里最大的操盘手。1991年苏联解体后,美国成为在中东发挥影响力的唯一超级大国:在1991年组织联军打败萨达姆•侯赛因(Saddam Hussein),保护海湾地区的石油出口,遏制伊朗,并试图在以色列和阿拉伯国家之间斡旋,推动达成和平的和解方案。

Those who are urging the US to get more deeply involved in the Syrian conflict now are living in the past. They assume that America can and should continue to dominate the politics of the Middle East. But four fundamental changes make it no longer realistic, or even desirable, for the US to dominate the region in the old way.


These changes are the failures of the Afghan and Iraq wars; the Great Recession, the Arab spring and the prospect of US energy independence.

这四大变化是阿富汗和伊拉克战争的败笔、大衰退(Great Recession)、阿拉伯之春以及美国能源独立的前景。

Over the past decade, the US has learnt that while its military might can topple regimes in the greater Middle East very quickly, America and its allies are very bad at nation-building. A decade of involvement has left both Afghanistan and Iraq deeply unstable and wracked by conflict. Neither country is securely in the “western camp”.


The result is that even the advocates of western intervention in Syria, such as Senator John McCain, proclaim that they are opposed to “boots on the ground”. Instead, they are pushing to supply weapons to the Syrian rebels – arguing that this is necessary to secure a more desirable political outcome.

结果,就连那些提倡西方干预叙利亚的人——比如参议员约翰•麦凯恩(John McCain)——也声明他们反对“地面部队介入”。相反,他们提倡向叙利亚反政府武装提供武器,称这对确保更加可取的政治结局是必要的。

President Barack Obama has given some ground to the “arm the rebels” camp. But his reluctance and scepticism are evident – and amply justified. If a full-scale western occupation of both Iraq and Afghanistan was unable to secure a decent outcome, why does anybody believe that supplying a few light weapons to the Syrian rebels will be more effective?

巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统对提倡“武装叛军”的一派作出了一些让步。但是他的不情愿和怀疑是明显的,也是很有道理的。如果西方全面占领伊拉克和阿富汗仍无法确保良好结局,为什么有人相信向叙利亚反政府武装提供少量轻武器会更有效呢?

The Great Recession also means that the west’s capacity to “bear any burden” can no longer be taken for granted. European military spending is falling fast – and cuts in the Pentagon budget have begun. With the direct and indirect cost of the Iraq war estimated at $3tn and the US government borrowing 40 cents of every dollar that it spends, it is hardly surprising that Mr Obama is wary of taking on new commitments in the Middle East.


The third new factor is the Arab spring. President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt was a long-time ally and client of the US. Nonetheless, Washington decided to let him fall in early 2011 – much to the disgust and alarm of other long-term American allies in the region, notably Saudi Arabia and Israel. But the Obama administration was right to drop Mr Mubarak. He could not have been propped up without risking a Syria-style bloodbath.

第三个新的因素是阿拉伯之春。埃及总统胡斯尼•穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)是美国的长期盟友和附庸。然而2011年初,华盛顿决定听任他被推翻,这引起了该地区美国其他长期盟友(特别是沙特阿拉伯和以色列)的反感和震惊。不过奥巴马政府放弃穆巴拉克是正确的。他要继续掌权,就可能出现叙利亚那样的血腥局面。

More fundamentally, the US has recognised that, ultimately, the people of the Middle East are going to have to shape their own destinies. Many of the forces at work in the region – such as Islamism and Sunni-Shia sectarianism – are alarming to the west but they cannot be forever channelled or suppressed.


Finally, the ability of the US to take a more hands-off attitude is greatly enhanced by the shale revolution in the US, which lessens American dependence on Middle Eastern oil.


Accepting that western domination of the Middle East is coming to an end, however, should not be confused with saying that western nations will not defend their interests.


The US has large military bases in the Gulf and, together with its allies, will still try to prevent the Middle East becoming dominated by a hostile power. Despite its role in Syria, Russia is not a plausible regional hegemon. But Iran worries the US; an attack on its nuclear programme remains an option, despite the encouraging result of this weekend’s presidential elections. Jihadist forces, linked to al-Qaeda, will also encounter western resistance – one reason why the Syrian opposition continues to be treated very warily. And the US and its European allies will remain deeply involved in regional diplomacy over Syria.


Western humanitarian instincts will play a role too – as they did in the decision to support the Libyan rebellion. But, as Syria is demonstrating, there is a limit to what the west will take on. Even former Australian foreign minister Gareth Evans, the intellectual godfather of the doctrine of the “responsibility to protect” civilians, is warning against military intervention in Syria.

西方的人道主义本能也会发挥一定作用,正如他们做出支持利比亚起义的决定那样。然而,叙利亚局势表明,西方决定背上什么负担是有限度的。即便是“保护平民的责任”这一信条的理论教父、澳大利亚前外长加雷思•埃文斯(Gareth Evans)也对军事干预叙利亚发出警告。

Despite the US decision to begin to supply military assistance to the rebels, Mr Obama is obviously still wary of deep involvement in the Syrian conflict. More than some of his advisers and allies, he seems to appreciate the limited ability of outside powers to control the new order that it is emerging in the region. The era of direct colonialism in the Middle East ended decades ago. The era of informal empire is now also coming to a close.



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