






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-6-24 10:00| 查看数: 849| 评论数: 0|

The Swiss government’s attempt to reach a landmark legal resolution of the country’s bitter tax dispute with the US has failed, after the lower house of the Swiss parliament voted down the government’s bill for a second time.


The bill would have allowed Swiss banks to circumvent strict bank secrecy laws and hand over business records to American authorities, paving the way for them to agree individual settlements for their role in helping wealthy Americans evade taxes.


The rejection raises the possibility that the US will take further action against Swiss banks – an outcome the Swiss government and financial sector are desperate to avoid. The US authorities have already claimed one scalp, after Wegelin, Switzerland’s oldest bank, had to close after it was indicted last year for helping Americans evade taxes.


Despite a last-ditch effort by Swiss finance minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf to save the proposal, the lower house of parliament yesterday voted by 123 to 63 not to debate it, meaning that the bill is now dead.

尽管瑞士财政部长伊芙琳•威德默-施隆普夫(Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf)尽了最后的努力来挽救该议案,但瑞士议会下院昨天还是以123票对63票决定不就该议案展开辩论,这意味着该议案现已失效。

The bill came in for heavy criticism from Swiss lawmakers, both because the Swiss government has been attempting – under US pressure – to rush the measure through the parliament, and because the details of the settlements that banks will have to agree with the US have not been divulged.


Lawmakers have suggested that the total cost of such settlements for the Swiss financial sector could reach SFr10bn.


The Swiss Bankers Association said that it “regretted” the failure of the law, adding that it would have been “the best way . . . to draw a line under the past”.

瑞士银行家协会(Swiss Bankers Association)对议案未能通过表示“遗憾”,并补充称这本来会是“与过去划清界限的最佳方式”。

The group added: “Switzerland must not take the risk of a further indictment of a bank lightly.”


However, the conservative Swiss People’s party, which has long rejected any sidestepping of Swiss bank secrecy rules, said that it welcomed the fact that Switzerland’s laws had not been circumvented.

然而,一直反对规避瑞士银行保密法规的保守党派瑞士人民党(Swiss People’s Party)表示,很高兴看到瑞士的法律没有被绕开。

“It is now up to the government and the banks to find a pragmatic solution,” a spokeswoman said.


In an attempt to ward off any further US action, the parliament yesterday passed a so-called “explanation”, a statement which that both recognises the urgent need to resolve the dispute and also calls on the Swiss government to take all possible steps to enable the banks to comply with US demands.


Proponents hope the gesture will convince the US of Switzerland’s intention to find a resolution to the tax spat. However, its chances of success are unclear. “The explanation has no legal significance whatsoever,” said Peter V Kunz, professor of business law at the university of Bern. “It is merely a measure to give the government political cover.”

支持者希望,这一姿态能让美国相信瑞士有意愿找到税务纠纷的解决方案。但这能否成功还是个未知数。“这项解释毫无法律意义可言,”伯尔尼大学(University of Bern)商业法教授彼得•V•昆茨(Peter V Kunz)表示,“这只是给政府打政治掩护罢了。”

The government could now allow banks individually to provide information to the US. However, Prof Kunz said that – unlike the government’s favoured solution – this approach would be susceptible to legal challenges from bank employees and from third parties who did not want their details to be provided to the US authorities.


“From the US’s perspective, this would mean that – in the best case – the transmission of data could be delayed by up to two years as cases work their way through the Swiss legal system. In the worst case the US would get nothing,” Prof Kunz said.



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