






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-6-25 09:30| 查看数: 908| 评论数: 0|

A global cat-and-mouse game involving the admitted leaker of National Security Agency secrets exploded into a diplomatic scramble, as U.S. authorities sought to catch Edward Snowden before he reached what supporters say is his next goal: political asylum in Ecuador.

一场涉及美国国家安全局(National Security Agency)泄密者斯诺登(Edward Snowden)的“全球猫鼠游戏”演变成一场外交争夺战,美国当局寻求在他获得厄瓜多尔政治庇护前将他抓捕归案。斯诺登的支持者称获得这一政治庇护是他的下一目标。

Mr. Snowden's unexpected Sunday flight to Moscow from Hong Kong exposed the apparent limits of America's diplomatic and intelligence-gathering reach. At a time when Mr. Snowden has been the subject of intense interest from U.S. authorities, they were unable to prevent his departure from a jurisdiction generally viewed as friendly to U.S. extradition requests.


Washington had requested Hong Kong arrest Mr. Snowden in anticipation of extradition, but only found out that Hong Kong, a special administrative region of China, viewed their request as 'insufficient' after Mr. Snowden had left for Moscow, a U.S. official said. According to people familiar with the case, the U.S. never asked Interpol to issue a so-called 'red notice' for Mr. Snowden, which would have triggered alerts at airports to delay, if not stop outright, his departure.


Mr. Snowden, who until May was a government contractor working at an NSA facility in Hawaii, has been hailed as a hero by some civil libertarians on the right and left after he said he disclosed the secrets to prompt a public debate about the NSA's surveillance practices. But he has begun to draw harsh bipartisan criticism for involvement with countries such as China, Russia and Ecuador, which are at odds with the U.S. on many issues, and with WikiLeaks, a group that has published U.S. secrets in the past. China and Russia also drew barbs from U.S. lawmakers Sunday, raising the prospect of new strains in America's relations with key powers at a time when President Barack Obama is seeking their help dealing with a host of foreign-policy concerns in places such as Syria, Iran and North Korea.

斯诺登被一些左翼和右翼公民自由主义者称赞为英雄,此前他表示,他披露这些机密文件是为了推动围绕美国国家安全局监控活动的公开讨论。斯诺登直到5月份还是美国政府的个承包商雇员,在美国国家安全局位于夏威夷的一处设施工作。但由于他的逃亡牵涉中国、俄罗斯和厄瓜多尔等与美国在许多问题上存在争议的国家,而且也牵涉过去曾公开美国政府机密的维基解密(WikiLeaks),因此他已开始遭到美国两党的严厉批评。中国和俄罗斯周日也遭到美国议员的指责,这可能令美国与这些关键国家的关系出现新的压力,而目前美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)正寻求这些国家协助应对在叙利亚、伊朗和朝鲜的一系列外交政策关切。

News of Mr. Snowden's departure from Hong Kong fueled conflicting reports during the day of where he might be headed, and it sent a horde of journalists rushing to Moscow's Sheremetyevo International Airport to await his expected arrival there.

斯诺登离开香港的消息在当日引发数家媒体争相报道他可能前往的地点,并促使一群预计他将抵达莫斯科谢列梅捷沃国际机场(Sheremetyevo International Airport)的记者赶往该机场,等待他的到来。

No images surfaced of Mr. Snowden exiting Aeroflot flight 213 from Hong Kong. But an airport spokeswoman confirmed late Sunday that he was in the airport's 'transit zone'─where passengers await connecting flights to other countries. Passengers arriving in Moscow from abroad don't need to have a Russian visa if they are booked on a connecting flight and stay within the transit zone.


Passengers on Mr. Snowden's reported flight said those on board the plane disembarked via a staircase on the runway rather than via a passenger walkway, which is unusual for big international arrivals. Two business-class passengers said they saw cars meet the plane, one of them a black-windowed, black sedan.


Russian media later reported that Mr. Snowden underwent a medical exam and was taken to a hotel inside the transit area.


The day was marked by a flurry of diplomatic and law-enforcement maneuvering, with U.S. authorities saying they had revoked Mr. Snowden's passport and asking other countries not to harbor him. State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki said Mr. Snowden 'should not be allowed to proceed in any further international travel, other than is necessary to return him to the United States.'

当天发生了一系列外交斡旋和执法行动。美国有关部门说,他们已经吊销了斯诺登的护照,要求其他国家不要收容他。美国国务院发言人柏莎琪(Jennifer Psaki)说,除了把斯诺登交还给美国的必要行程之外,他不应被允许继续其国际旅行。

Mr. Obama was getting updates from national-security aides on Mr. Snowden's travels, according to a senior administration official.


Mr. Snowden had traveled to Hong Kong from Hawaii on May 20, taking with him secret information detailing the government's mass collection of Americans' telephone-call records and its Internet surveillance program called Prism. That information formed the basis of articles in the Guardian and Washington Post newspapers that spurred intense public debate about U.S. surveillance methods.

斯诺登5月20日从夏威夷抵达香港,携带著有关政府收集的美国人大量通话记录,以及“棱镜”(Prism)互联网监控项目的具体内容的保密信息。《卫报》(Guardian)和《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)以这些信息为基础进行了报道,这些报道引发了公众对美国监控手段的激烈争论。

A person familiar with Mr. Snowden's case said his decision to get on a flight to Moscow was 'very sudden,' made only in the day before departing. The decision was made in consultation with WikiLeaks, which encouraged Mr. Snowden to leave the city after communicating with others about his options abroad, the person said.


'He is very independent, but also very willing to listen to advice,' the person said, adding that Mr. Snowden was concerned that any further delay would result in his detainment by Hong Kong authorities. In part, Mr. Snowden's determination to leave Hong Kong was based on the fear of losing access to the Internet─his vital link to the rest of the world─should he be detained, the person said.


One American official said the U.S. had privately requested on June 15 that Hong Kong authorities provisionally arrest Mr. Snowden in anticipation of extradition. Two days later, Hong Kong authorities acknowledged receiving the request and said the matter was under review, the U.S. official said.This past Friday, Hong Kong asked for additional details about the charges and the evidence, according to the official. U.S. officials say they were responding to that request when they learned Hong Kong had allowed him to leave.


Hong Kong authorities said Sunday they had to let Mr. Snowden leave because there were problems with the U.S. charges. Some of the city's lawmakers had a mixed response to his departure. Legislator Alan Leong noted Mr. Snowden's presence in Hong Kong would likely further intensify local debate over cyberspying both by the U.S. and China. 'Handling it in this way really allows the two superpowers to avoid this kind of focus,' he said. 'We've lost the opportunity for such a debate now.'


'For Hong Kong, this was the best option,' said Regina Ip, the city's former security secretary and a current legislator. She added that the city might not have had any other choice.


WikiLeaks, best known for publicizing a trove of secret U.S. government cables provided by Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, said it was helping Mr. Snowden on his travel from Hong Kong to Russia and Ecuador. Whether Mr. Snowden will make it to South America was unclear late Sunday. The lack of a valid passport is not in itself enough to force the Russians to turn Mr. Snowden over to U.S. authorities.

维基解密曾因曝光了由美国陆军一等兵曼宁(Bradley Manning)提供的一系列美国政府秘密电文而广为人知。维基解密说,它正在帮助斯诺登从香港到俄罗斯和厄瓜多尔。截至周日晚间,尚不清楚斯诺登最终是否能到达南美。缺乏有效的护照本身并不足以迫使俄罗斯把斯诺登交给美国当局。

Russia's Interfax News Agency said Mr. Snowden was booked on a flight from Moscow to Cuba. The Russian airline Aeroflot has no direct flights to Ecuador.

俄罗斯国际文传电讯社(Interfax News Agency)说,从莫斯科至古巴的一个航班有斯诺登的订票信息。俄罗斯国际航空公司没有直飞厄瓜多尔的航班。

A top Ecuadoran official said that country would analyze Mr. Snowden's asylum application before making a decision.


Mr. Snowden has been charged in a criminal complaint with theft of U.S. government property, unauthorized communication of national defense information and willful communication of classified communications intelligence information. The last two charges are espionage-related, which complicated the matter.


The U.S. could have sought an Interpol red notice─the equivalent of an arrest warrant sent to its 190 member countries. But under Interpol guidelines, espionage charges are considered political, and the organization isn't permitted to get involved in a matter of a military, political, racial or religious nature, an Interpol official said.


Douglas McNabb, a veteran extradition lawyer based in Washington, D.C., said if officials had charged Mr. Snowden initially with just the theft of government property, they could have tied Mr. Snowden down in Hong Kong, while U.S. prosecutors built a stronger case and negotiated with local authorities over possible additional charges.

华盛顿资深引渡事务律师麦克纳布(Douglas McNabb)说,如果美国政府最初只是指控斯诺登窃取政府财产,他们本可以在香港把斯诺登控制住,而美国检方可以趁此机会将案件进一步做实,与香港当局就可能的更多指控进行谈判。

'They could have gone the safe route, charged him with the theft, and then once you have him detained, they could then indict him,'' said Mr. McNabb. 'I think somebody dropped the ball. I think it was poorly done.''


A U.S. official said they didn't seek a red notice on Mr. Snowden because the government was already negotiating with Hong Kong, and the charges had been sealed.


On a day when U.S. authorities were forced to react to the high-profile gamesmanship of Mr. Snowden, politicians in the U.S. could do little but vent their frustration at Russia and China.


U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.) criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin for allowing Mr. Snowden to travel there, predicting the incident would have 'serious consequences'' for diplomatic relations between the two countries.

美国纽约州民主党参议员舒默(Charles Schumer)批评俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)允许斯诺登前往俄罗斯,他预测此事可能将给美俄外交关系带来严重后果。

Mr. Schumer also told CNN Sunday that he suspected China's leaders had a hand in allowing Mr. Snowden to leave Hong Kong.


Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said Mr. Snowden's choice of countries undercuts his claims to be defending privacy and freedom.

南卡罗来纳州共和党参议员格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)说,斯诺登选择的国家削弱了他自称的捍卫隐私权和自由的说辞。

'The freedom trail is not exactly China, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela. So I hope we'll chase him to the ends of the earth, bring him to justice and let the Russians know there will be consequences if they harbor this guy,'' Mr. Graham told Fox News.

格雷厄姆对福克斯新闻(Fox News)说,确切地说,中国、俄罗斯、古巴和委内瑞拉并非真正的自由之路,我希望我们将追到天涯海角,将其绳之以法,让俄罗斯人知道窝藏此人是会有后果的。

Previously, Russian officials had said they would consider an asylum request from Mr. Snowden, if he made one.


Nanda Chitre, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Justice Department, said the agency will 'pursue relevant law enforcement cooperation with other countries where Mr. Snowden may be attempting to travel.''

美国司法部发言人奇特尔(Nanda Chitre)说,司法部将寻求从斯诺登可能试图前往的其他国家获得相关执法部门的合作。


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