






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2006-3-25 00:33| 查看数: 7841| 评论数: 3|

<BR>[双语新闻]研究揭示婴儿如何初学词汇<BR> How Babies Learn Their First Words
摘要:<BR>  美国一份最新研究报告显示,尽管婴儿在10个月大的时候就开始学习一些词语,但他们学会的往往是一些自己感兴趣的物体的名字,而非说话者认为重要的那些词汇。 <BR>  Though they are learning words at 10 months old, infants tend to grasp the names of objects that interest them rather than whatever the speaker thinks is important, a new study finds. <BR>  这项研究报告还显示,婴儿们通常很快就能掌握他们感兴趣的词语。美国坦普尔大学的心理学教授、此项研究的负责人凯西·赫胥·帕赛克说,只要对每个词语及物体表述5次,婴儿就能在5分钟内学会两个新词。更为重要的是,婴儿们会把一个新词和自己最喜欢的那个物体配成一对,而忽视说话者原来所指的那个物体。 <BR>  赫胥·帕赛克对此表示:“婴儿会很自然地把你所说的这个词语和他们认为有趣的物体联系在一起,而并非你所感兴趣的那个物体。”赫胥·帕赛克在一次电话会议上说,这个结果并不特别令人惊讶。她说,对于大一些的孩子甚至是成年人,兴趣仍然是驱使学习的动力。 <BR>  她引证自己曾听过一些年仅6岁的孩子对棒球运动员的击球成功率高谈阔论,“他们究竟是怎么知道这些的?要知道,直到7年级或者8年级时,他们才会学到小数点呢。”此份研究报告的主要作者、坦普尔大学的心理学博士生香农·普鲁登对此说道:“10个月大的婴儿只是在他们看到的最有趣的物体上‘粘贴’上一个标签。” <BR>  编译:王高山 <BR>  The infants were able to learn two new words in five minutes with just five presentations for each word and object, said study leader Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, a professor of psychology at Temple University. Importantly, the babies paired a new word to the object they liked best, regardless of what object the speaker referred to. <BR>  "The baby naturally assumes that the word you're speaking goes with the object that they think is interesting, not the object that you show an interest in," Hirsh-Pasek said. The result is not too surprising, Hirsh-Pasek said in a telephone interview. She says interest drives learning for older children, too, and even adults. <BR>  She cites six-year-olds she's heard talking knowledgably about baseball players' batting averages. "How in the world do they get it? They're not going to do decimals until 7th or 8th grade." "Ten-month-olds simply 'glue' a label onto the most interesting object they see," said Shannon Pruden, a Temple doctoral student in psychology and lead author of a report on the findings in the March/April issue of the journal Child Development.


samin 发表于 2006-4-1 19:57:00
laniya 发表于 2006-4-4 15:03:12
Quickie 发表于 2006-12-19 07:49:39
Milk is what interests them at 10 months old.
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