






发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2013-6-30 09:45| 查看数: 780| 评论数: 0|

The gloomy mantra about China's investment-heavy growth model has become familiar. Getting less attention are the changes that could start to bring consumption humming to life.


China's growth rate for the first quarter slowed but wasn't slow. Zhang Xiaoqiang, a senior official at the National Development and Reform Commission, recently hinted that first-quarter gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of about 8.4%.


If that is borne out when the data are published Friday, it would be lower than the 8.9% pace in the final quarter of 2011, and the lowest level since the second quarter of 2009─but not the collapse some had feared.


While that should ease concerns in financial markets about China's immediate growth prospects, the numbers on the structure of the economy are cause for concern. Investment as a share of GDP in 2010 came in at 48%. That's too high. South Korea's investment as a share of GDP topped out at 40% in 1991.


Overinvestment is problematic because it risks misallocation of capital on a grand scale. If it persists for many more years, the result will be trade tensions as surplus production spills into global markets, worsening environmental degradation and bankruptcy for overextended Chinese companies.


To foster sustainable growth, China needs to shift to a new model, where investment takes a break and household consumption steps up as the new engine.


Getting there won't be easy. But there are hints that things are moving in the right direction. Higher wages for workers and interest rates for savers are putting more money in households' pockets. A generational shift in thinking means those households might just spend some of that money, instead of saving it.


A commitment to improve pay and benefits at Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. 2317.TW 0.00%─where hundreds of thousands of Chinese workers make Apple Inc. AAPL +1.50%iPhones and iPads─is a sign of the times.


Following a critical report from the Fair Labor Association published at the end of March, Hon Hai─also known as Foxconn─agreed to increase overtime pay for its workers. The Taiwanese manufacturer also said it would improve migrant workers' access to unemployment insurance─which the Chinese social-security system makes it difficult to access outside a worker's home province.


In the past, the problem of low wages has been compounded by a financial sector that dents income by offering households low returns on their saving.


In 2011, households with funds in a one-year fixed-term deposit received just a 3.5% return─below the rate of inflation. Very low interest rates represent a transfer from households, who do most of China's saving, to businesses, which do most of the borrowing.


Here too, there are signs of a move in the right direction, with new financial products offering China's savers inflation-beating returns.

鸿海精密工业股份有限公司(Hon Hai Precision Industry Co.,简称:鸿海精密)承诺将提高工人工资和福利,这代表着这个时代的变化。该公司共有几十万名中国雇员,苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的iPhone智能手机和iPad平板电脑都产自这里。

Two years ago, Ms. Wang, a translator with a legal nonprofit in Beijing, kept all her savings in fixed-term deposits. Now Ms. Wang, who didn't give her first name, has transferred 200,000 yuan (about $31,700) to wealth-management products, leaving just 50,000 yuan sitting in the bank.

在美国公平劳工协会(Fair Labor Association)于3月底发布一份重要报告后,鸿海精密(亦称富士康(Foxconn))同意提高员工的加班工资。这家台湾生产商还说,将扩大外来务工者获得失业保险的机会。在中国的社会保障制度下,工作者很难在自己户籍所在地以外的地方获得失业保险。

'If I just put all my money in the bank, it's not appropriate because the interest rate is very low,' Ms. Wang said. 'The new investment products are offering 4.5% to 5% returns, and it's very convenient. We can do it all over the Internet.'


Ms. Wang's choice is being copied in many Chinese households. A higher return on their savings means households have more income and more money to spend.


Rising incomes won't make much difference, though, if China's households don't ease up on their saving.


Thriftiness is a habit for China's older generation, many of whom grew up in poverty and turbulence. The younger generation might be different. Compared with their parents, China's 20-somethings─many of them only children─have grown up in an atmosphere of stability and affluence.


That might reshape attitudes toward spending and saving.


'I don't really keep track of how much I spend, I just buy what I want,' said Ms. Mu, a 27-year-old editor for a popular Internet portal.


In recent months Ms. Mu, who didn't give her first name, has splurged on an iPhone, a Lenovo laptop and Dior cosmetics. On months where she travels for business, overseas shopping with a credit card means she regularly exceeds her monthly salary of 10,000 yuan ($1,600).


The headline figures on China's roaring investment and stagnant consumption are alarming. But they also are a lagging reflection of conditions that shaped spending and saving decisions in years past.


It is wages, interest rates and attitudes today that dictate the outlook. In a younger generation's preference for consumption over saving, rising incomes, and a financial sector paying higher returns to household savers, there are signs that China's economy is starting to find a new balance.






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