






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-1 10:30| 查看数: 710| 评论数: 0|

Italy’s judiciary has opened an inquiry into the Treasury’s use of derivatives to hedge public debt after reports that the state faced potential losses of billions of euros on contracts restructured during the eurozone debt crisis last year.


Nello Rossi, Rome’s deputy prosecutor, told the Financial Times that he would meet the Treasury, the Bank of Italy and state auditors but stressed it was not a criminal investigation. The inquiry was prompted after a Treasury report was leaked to the FT and Italian daily La Repubblica detailing the restructuring of eight derivatives contracts in 2012.

罗马副检察长尼洛•罗西(Nello Rossi)对英国《金融时报》表示,他将约见财政部、意大利央行(Bank of Italy)和国家审计部门的官员,但强调这次调查并非刑事调查。调查的起因是一份被透露给英国《金融时报》和意大利日报《共和国报》(La Repubblica)的财政部报告,它详细记载了2012年8份衍生品合约的重组情况。

Experts who examined the data concluded that Italy risked a potential loss on the contracts, based on market prices last week, of about €8bn on a total notional value of €31.7bn. Last year Italy said it had a derivatives portfolio of €160bn, about 10 per cent of state bonds in circulation.


Mr Rossi’s inquiry is being assisted by the finance police who requested information on derivatives contracts from the Treasury’s debt management office at the request of the Corte dei Conti, the state auditors.

罗西发起的调查得到了金融警察的支援。应国家审计机构意大利国家审计院(Corte dei Conti)的要求,金融警察要求财政部债务管理部门提供有关上述衍生品合约的资料。

Politicians said the probe was likely to hit a wall of secrecy surrounding Italy’s €2tn of public debt, with the Treasury citing commercial confidentiality over its derivatives contracts.


“The state of Italy’s finances are like the formula for Coca-Cola. It is a secret,” said Renato Brunetta, spokesman for the centre-right People of Liberty, which formed a coalition government with prime minister Enrico Letta’s centre-left Democrats in April. “There is total opacity in the finance ministry.”

中右翼自由人民党(People of Liberty)发言人雷纳托•布鲁内塔(Renato Brunetta)表示:“意大利的财政状况就像是可口可乐(Coca-Cola)的配方。那是一个秘密。财政部的情况完全不透明。”今年4月,自由人民党与总理恩里科•莱塔(Enrico Letta)领导的中左翼意大利民主党组建了联合政府。

Earlier yesterday, the finance ministry dismissed as “absolutely groundless” reports quoting unnamed officials that Italy had used derivatives in the late 1990s to “window dress” its accounts through upfront payments by foreign banks to meet financial criteria set by the EU for it to enter the euro.


The ministry said its use of derivatives posed no risk to public finances. It did not dispute the reported figures.



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