





玻利维亚总统座机遇阻 被疑搭载斯诺登

发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-5 10:00| 查看数: 894| 评论数: 0|

Bolivia said Tuesday that a plane carrying President Evo Morales home from Moscow was forced to land in Austria after France and Portugal denied permission for it to enter their airspace, amid speculation that he could be carrying National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden.

玻利维亚周二说,总统莫拉莱斯(Evo Morales)乘坐的从莫斯科飞回玻利维亚的飞机被迫降落在奥地利,之前法国和葡萄牙禁止该飞机进入其领空,怀疑飞机上可能搭载了美国国家安全局(National Security Agency)泄密者斯诺登(Edward Snowden)。

Bolivian Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca denied at a news conference in Bolivia's capital La Paz that Mr. Snowden was on board. He said having him on the plane would have violated international norms.

玻利维亚外交部长乔克万卡(David Choquehuanca)在该国首都拉巴斯举行的新闻发布会上否认斯诺登在总统座机上。他说,搭载斯诺登有违国际准则。

Austrian authorities on Wednesday also said Mr. Snowden wasn't aboard Mr. Morales' plane. 'He was not on the plane, and he hasn't been in Vienna,' Austrian foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Schallenberg told the Wall Street Journal.

奥利地当局周三也说,斯诺登不在莫拉莱斯的座机上。奥地利外交部发言人沙伦贝格(Alexander Schallenberg)对《华尔街日报》说,他不在飞机上,也未进入维也纳。

Mr. Morales, who was attending a summit of gas exporters in Russia, has said that his country was willing to analyze an asylum request from Mr. Snowden.


The former NSA contractor has been stuck in a transit zone in Moscow's international airport since flying to Russia from Hong Kong late last month. Mr. Snowden has been wanted by the U.S. after he admitted to leaking information about secret surveillance programs run by the NSA.


'We want to express our displeasure' with France and Portugal's decision to deny air-travel permission to Mr. Morales's airplane, Mr. Choquehuanca added. 'It's discrimination against our president. The life of our president has been put at risk' over unfounded suspicions.


'It's an official plane, a presidential plane,' he said.


Portuguese government officials couldn't be immediately reached for comment. A French foreign ministry spokesman said he had no information regarding Bolivia's allegations.


Bolivia's Defense Minister Ruben Saavedra told CNN that Mr. Snowden had had no contact with Bolivian officials visiting Moscow. He blasted what he called the 'colonialist' and illegal attitude of the French and Portuguese governments.

玻利维亚国防部长萨韦德拉(Ruben Saavedra)对美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)说,斯诺登与访问莫斯科的玻利维亚官员没有联系。他抨击了法国和葡萄牙政府“殖民主义”的、非法的态度。

An official from Bolivia´s Foreign Ministry said the government is now working out a 'new flight itinerary' for Mr. Morales´ Falcon 900 EX jet to continue his trip back home.

玻利维亚外交部的一位官员说,政府目前制定了一个新的飞行计划,以便使莫拉莱斯乘坐的猎鹰(Falcon) 900 EX飞机继续回国之旅。

In Minsk, Venezuelan foreign minister Elias Jaua called the incident of Mr. Morales plane, an 'attempt' on the life of the Bolivian president, the first indigenous president in Bolivia's modern history. 'We absolutely consider this an attempt to put President Morales in danger,' said Mr. Jaua.

在明斯克,委内瑞拉外交部长豪亚(Elias Jaua)称莫拉莱斯座机事件是一起危及玻利维亚总统生命的企图。莫拉莱斯是玻利维亚现代史上首位原住民总统。豪亚说,我们绝对认为这是一起将莫拉莱斯总统置于危险之中的企图。

He blasted 'the obsession of the elites of the U.S. government' as it tried to 'hunt' Mr. Snowden. 'What just happened to President Morales is the manifestation of the fascism that is taking over the world from the imperialist governments to their lackeys,' he said.


In Ecuador´s capital of Quito, Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño said that he believed that Mr. Snowden was still in Russia.

在厄瓜多尔首都基多,该国外交部长帕蒂诺(Ricardo Patino)说,他认为斯诺登仍在俄罗斯。

Mr. Patiño said at a news conference that the country would request an extraordinary meeting of the Union of South American Nations to discuss what happened to Mr. Morales's airplane.

帕蒂诺在新闻发布会上说,厄瓜多尔将请南美国家联盟(Union of South American Nations)召开特别会议,讨论莫拉莱斯座机事件。

'It is a tremendous offense to President Morales and we are going to react,' Mr. Patiño said.



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