






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-5 11:00| 查看数: 2819| 评论数: 1|

National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden's options narrowed Tuesday as his globe-spanning, 21-country plea for asylum largely came up short, raising the possibility of a prolonged stay in the transit zone of Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport.

周二,美国国家安全局(National Security Agency)泄密者斯诺登(Edward Snowden)的选择进一步减少,他向全球21个国家提出的庇护请求结果大都令人失望,可能需要在莫斯科谢列梅捷沃机场(Sheremetyevo Airport)的过境区停留更长时间。

Some countries, including Germany, Poland, India and Brazil, rejected Mr. Snowden's request for asylum outright. Others said he must make it to their soil to file a claim─currently an impossibility for the fugitive, given his lack of a valid passport or active travel documents.


Mr. Snowden's remaining hopes seemed to lie with firebrand anti-American leaders in Venezuela and Bolivia, with Ecuador starting to hedge.


Mr. Snowden's troubles don't necessarily mean Washington will win his return to face criminal charges for stealing and leaking secret documents. U.S. officials privately warned that the outcome of the saga remains impossible to predict. Still, events of the last two days represent something of a diplomatic turnaround for the Obama administration.


Last week, when Mr. Snowden fled Hong Kong for Moscow and points beyond, both the Chinese and Russian governments appeared to ignore American pleas that they seize him. The U.S. appeared almost powerless to stop a 30-year-old former government contractor from jetting around the world in defiance of American wishes.


Now, a sustained private and public diplomatic campaign by the White House and State Department appears to have at least halted the odyssey. Events, said one senior U.S. official, are 'trending right.'


Ecuador's President Rafael Correa, who earlier appeared to be leaning toward granting Mr. Snowden asylum, said he would consider it only if Mr. Snowden somehow gets to Ecuador first. At the same time, Mr. Correa has repudiated as invalid a travel document issued to Mr. Snowden by Ecuador's consul in London that might have helped him gain safe passage.

厄瓜多尔总统科雷亚(Rafael Correa)此前似乎倾向于给予斯诺登庇护,如今却说,只有斯诺登先到达厄瓜多尔,他才会考虑斯诺登提出的庇护申请。与此同时,科雷亚宣布厄瓜多尔驻英国大使馆发放给斯诺登的旅行文件无效。这份旅行文件原本可能帮助斯诺登获得安全的通行通道。

Similarly, Mr. Snowden on Tuesday quickly withdrew an asylum request he had submitted to Russia after President Vladimir Putin announced that the U.S. fugitive would need to stop his activism against the U.S. government if he wanted permission to stay. Russia has been cool to Mr. Snowden's entreaties from the start, and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and his deputy, William Burns, also pressured Russian officials.

同样,俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)宣布说,如果斯诺登想获准留在俄罗斯,他必须停止其针对美国政府的爆料行动,随后斯诺登于周二迅速撤回了向俄罗斯提交的庇护请求。俄罗斯一开始就对斯诺登提出的庇护请求态度冷淡,美国国务卿克里(John Kerry)及副国务卿伯恩斯(William Burns)也双双向俄罗斯官员施压。

The U.S. has warned of a broad dampening effect on ties with Moscow if it chose to defy American wishes. Sen. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, added in an interview: 'There's a reason why he hasn't moved out of Russia. I had thought he would be changing planes in Moscow. It's turned out to be much more. The process has slowed down and deliberations have started.'

美国警告说,如果俄罗斯选择无视美国的意愿,将给美俄关系造成广泛的负面影响。伊利诺伊州民主党参议员、参议院外交关系委员会(Senate Foreign Relations Committee)成员德宾(Dick Durbin)在接受采访时说:斯诺登一直没有离开俄罗斯是有原因的。我曾以为他会在莫斯科转机,结果是不止如此。他的逃亡过程放缓了,商议开始了。

Mr. Snowden himself acknowledged his predicament. 'Although I am convicted of nothing, [the Obama administration] has unilaterally revoked my passport, leaving me a stateless person,' Mr. Snowden said in a statement released late Monday on his behalf by the antisecrecy group WikiLeaks.


He called the U.S. moves to prevent him from achieving asylum 'old, bad tools of political aggression.' 'Their purpose is to frighten, not me, but those who would come after me,' he said in his statement.


Mr. Snowden's remaining hopes seemed to lie with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and Bolivian President Evo Morales, both of whom said in TV interviews this week that Mr. Snowden deserves protection.

斯诺登残存的希望能否实现似乎取决于委内瑞拉总统马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)和玻利维亚总统莫拉莱斯(Evo Morales)。这两人均在本周接受电视采访时说,斯诺登应得到保护。

Though both leaders were in Moscow Tuesday for a natural-gas producer's summit, they gave no indication of whether they would consider granting him documents that would allow him to travel to their countries.


'All of humanity should protect him,' Mr. Maduro told reporters at a ceremony unveiling Hugo Chávez Street in Moscow.

马杜罗在莫斯科查韦斯街(Hugo Chavez Street)的揭幕仪式上对记者说,所有有人性的人都应该保护斯诺登。

'I think we should do something for him and I will leave this decision to the people,' Mr. Maduro later told the Kremlin-backed channel RT. 'We either help him or we close the door and forget about him.'


Mr. Maduro said Venezuela had not yet received Mr. Snowden's request, though WikiLeaks said he applied. The Foreign Ministry in Caracas confirmed late Tuesday that Mr. Maduro had flown on to Belarus, but declined to comment on whether Mr. Snowden might be with him.


For Mr. Maduro, it might be rhetorically tempting to offer Mr. Snowden asylum, but such a move also would sink the new Venezuelan leader's budding policy of rapprochement with the U.S. Last month, Venezuela's foreign minister met with Mr. Kerry, and both promised to work for better relations.


Since taking office, Mr. Maduro has had to grapple with galloping inflation of 23%, a plunging currency and widespread shortages that made even toilet paper a scarce commodity. A confrontation with the U.S. would surely send the economy into an even deeper tailspin, posing a threat to Mr. Maduro as he attempts to consolidate his hold on power.


Bolivia's Mr. Morales, meanwhile, said his country would study any request submitted by Mr. Snowden. Asked if Bolivia would grant the U.S. fugitive asylum, Mr. Morales responded: 'Yes, why not?'


Late Tuesday, Bolivia said the plane carrying Mr. Morales home was forced to land in Austria after France and Portugal denied permission for it to enter their airspace. In the Bolivian capital La Paz, Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca denied that Mr. Snowden was on board the aircraft.

玻利维亚周二晚间说,莫拉莱斯回国乘坐的飞机迫降奥地利,法国和葡萄牙不允许该飞机进入它们的领空。玻利维亚外长乔克万卡(David Choquehuanca)在首都拉巴斯否认斯诺登在这架飞机上。

'It's an official plane, a presidential plane,' Mr. Choquehuanca said 'The life of the president was put in danger over unfounded suspicions.'


Meanwhile, Mr. Snowden appears to be stuck indefinitely in the Moscow airport's transit zone, and the U.S. appears to have no way to extract him. Russian authorities have given no indication that they would force him to leave that area. In a handful of cases, asylum-seekers have spent months in the airport.


Mr. Putin, a former KGB officer who views whistleblowing activities with skepticism, said Monday that Russia 'never hands anyone over and doesn't plan to' do so with Mr. Snowden. 'He's not our agent, he's not working with us,' Mr. Putin added.


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday that handing over Mr. Snowden to 'a country like the U.S., where the death penalty is practiced, is impossible.'

克里姆林宫发言人佩斯科夫(Dmitry Peskov)周二说,不可能把斯诺登交给美国这样有死刑的国家。

Mr. Snowden is wanted by U.S. authorities for leaking information about the NSA's domestic and foreign intelligence-gathering operations, including an alleged NSA program to spy on European institutions.


Prosecutors have filed criminal charges against him under the Espionage Act in a U.S. District Court.

检方已经根据《反间谍法》(Espionage Act)在美国一个地方法院对斯诺登提出了刑事指控。

The former security contractor has applied for asylum to 21 countries in total, according to WikiLeaks. He submitted 19 applications, including the one to Russia that was subsequently withdrawn, to Moscow embassies via a Russian consulate in Sheremetyevo Airport on Monday. Previously, he had applied to Ecuador and Iceland.


In his letter to Poland, which was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Snowden argued that he was unlikely to receive a fair trial in the U.S. and highlighted the possibility of life in prison or death.


'As a result of my political opinions, and my desire to exercise my freedom of speech, through which I've shown that the government of the United States is intercepting the majority of communications in the world, the government of the United States has publicly announced a criminal investigation against me,' Mr. Snowden wrote.


He said he was being persecuted as a result of his decision to make public 'serious violations' of the U.S. Constitution and United Nations treaties by the U.S. government.


Mr. Snowden arrived in Moscow from Hong Kong on June 23 en route to Ecuador 'via Russia and other states,' but was stymied after the U.S. canceled his passport and began pressuring intermediary countries that formed stopovers on his trip, according to WikiLeaks.


Mr. Snowden could ask Russia to issue him a refugee travel document under the UN convention on refugees, said Stephen W. Yale-Loehr, an attorney who teaches immigration and asylum law at Cornell Law School. 'He would qualify presumably under the 'political opinion' factor,' Mr. Yale-Loehr said, citing one of the five criteria a person can use to achieve refugee status under the treaty.

康奈尔法学院(Cornell Law School)教授移民法和庇护法的律师Stephen W. Yale-Loehr称,斯诺登可以根据联合国难民公约向俄罗斯申请难民通行文件,他可能适用“政治观点”这个要素,这是一个人可以用来在难民公约下获得难民身份的五个标准之一。

Michael Bochenek, director of law and policy at Amnesty International, said Mr. Snowden doesn't need to be physically present in a country to gain asylum. He said Mr. Snowden could apply to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for help gaining asylum in various countries.

人权组织大赦国际(Amnesty International)法律和政策部门负责人博赫内克(Michael Bochenek)说,斯诺登无需身在一个国家来获得政治庇护,他可以向联合国难民事务高级专员公署(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)提出申请,帮助他在多个国家获得庇护。

A spokeswoman for the UNHCR declined to say whether Mr. Snowden had made an application, saying the agency can't comment on individual cases.


As for whether Mr. Snowden could be sent back to Hong Kong, Mr. Bochenek said that would be up to Russia. Typically when people arrive in countries without the proper travel documents, they are returned to the country of departure on the next flight at the airline's expense, he said.



sgxf 发表于 2014-11-18 07:35:11
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