






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-12 10:35| 查看数: 838| 评论数: 0|

Wall Street and the administration of Barack Obama have often had a fraught relationship since the financial crisis, during the negotiation of the 2010 Dodd-Frank legislation and its aftermath.

金融危机以来,华尔街和巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)政府的关系经常不和谐,尤其是2010年多德弗兰克法案(Dodd-Frank)协商期间以及在那之后的日子。

But for the schism to extend to US negotiating objectives in looming trade negotiations with the EU is unusual. It has put American banks in the strange position of backing Brussels’ approach to the talks rather than Washington’s.


“The US Treasury is resisting any kind of regulatory discussion [and] everyone else is aligned on the other side,” said a US banking executive. “The Europeans consider it to be a priority and they’re unified.”

美国银行业的一位高管说:“美国财政部(US Treasury)拒绝任何监管探讨,但其他各方都站在相反的立场上。欧洲认为这是重点之一,而且他们在这点上是团结的。”

Tony Fratto, a former US Treasury official under George W Bush, now a partner at Hamilton Place Strategies, a consulting group, said the traditional view adopted by the US Treasury had always been that the more rules could be harmonised, the better.

乔治·W·布什(George W Bush)时期的美国财政部官员、现在是咨询公司Hamilton Place Strategies合伙人的托尼•弗拉托(Tony Fratto)指出,美国财政部传统观点一贯认为统一的规则越多越好。

“Treasury has always fought to have financial chapters because it is beneficial to have them,” he said.


The dispute comes amid increased transatlantic regulatory tensions over Washington’s moves to insist US rules should trump those in other jurisdictions, most controversially with regard to derivatives and requirements for foreign banks.


Proponents of a financial component to the trade talks with the EU say that a mechanism for mutual recognition of different regulatory standards, or a system to mediate disputes, could help ease recent friction.


The Obama administration has been deeply sceptical of this approach, worrying that it could be used as a mechanism to halt and undermine financial reform on both sides of the Atlantic.


In May, Lael Brainard, the Treasury undersecretary for international affairs, told Congress that US banks competing globally would benefit from the administration’s approach, not be hurt by it.

5月份,财政部国际事务副部长拉尔•布雷纳德(Lael Brainard)告诉国会,奥巴马政府的立场会对美国银行业的全球竞争有利,而不是有害。

“Our focus . . . is to not give our European counterparts any excuse to slow down the implementation that they have already committed to in areas like bank capital, on resolution, on cross-broder derivatives, or clearing,” she said. “We want to make sure that we see implementation on timeframes that will put our players, our market participants on a level playing field.”


Wall Street rejects that view.


“There’s a sense incorrectly that the US is the only jurisdiction that is moving forward with new financial regulations and that other countries can’t be trusted to adopt regulations similar to the US and yet the Europeans have and are,” said Ken Bentsen, president of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, a top US financial services lobby group.

美国金融服务主要游说组织——证券行业与金融市场联盟(Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association)主席肯•本特森(Ken Bentsen)说:“人们的一个错误看法是,美国是唯一在推进新的金融法规的法律管辖区,不能相信其他国家也在落实与美国类似的法规,然而欧洲一直并且仍在这么做。”

“Somehow you want to enter into a trade agreement across all these sectors . . . and yet one side is saying, ‘we don’t trust you on that, or we don’t believe you are developed at the appropriate stage’. That’s hard to believe and not a very credible argument in our view.”


Brussels insists not including financial regulation amounts to “financial protectionism”. The failure to co-operate, said Nadia Calviño, a leading EU official handling financial services, would result in a “tower of Babel” of overlapping and occasionally conflicting financial rules.

欧盟坚持认为,不包含金融监管就相当于“金融保护主义”。主管金融服务的欧盟高级官员纳迪娅•卡尔温诺(Nadia Calviño)认为,不能合作将导致重叠且偶尔相互抵触的金融规则,形成各自为政的局面。

Brussels’ goal, backed enthusiastically by the UK, is to agree a solid system of “equivalence”, where rules are convergent enough to allow regulators to trust each other to enforce them in their own patch.


European officials do not think the trade negotiations should be used to tackle all the contentious issues. Instead, a UK official said, the negotiations should aim “to put in place a framework for greater regulatory coherence and dispute resolution for the future”.


Martin Baily and Douglas Elliott, two economic policy analysts at the Brookings Institution, a Washington think-tank, have added their voice to the calls for the inclusion of financial regulation in the talks.

华盛顿智库布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)的两位经济政策分析师马丁•巴里(Martin Baily)和道格拉斯•艾略特(Douglas Elliott)也赞同应该在谈判中纳入金融监管。

At a recent conference organised by Bruegel, a Brussels think-tank, Mr Elliott said the US Treasury seemed concerned that “financial stability would be traded for beef quotas”.


But all of those voices are coming up against domestic political pressures for the Obama administration to hold the line on the exclusion of financial regulation.


Democratic politicians, such as Sherrod Brown, the Ohio senator, and Maxine Waters, the California congresswoman and her party’s top member on the House financial services committee, have asked the Obama administration to stick to its guns. So too have liberal lobby groups.

民主党政界人士,如俄亥俄州参议员谢罗德•布朗(Sherrod Brown)和众议院金融服务委员会民主党一号人物、加州众议员玛克辛•沃特斯(Maxine Waters),都希望奥巴马政府坚持自己的立场。自由派游说组织也是这么认为的。

“Sensitive financial regulations should not be determined, much less dismantled, by a small group of unelected trade negotiators who are being advised by the very banks that led us into financial crisis,” said Ben Beachy, research director at Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, a liberal group.

自由派的公民组织(Public Citizen)全球贸易观察项目(Global Trade Watch)研究主管本•比奇(Ben Beachy)说:“敏感的金融法规不应该由一小群非选举产生的贸易谈判者决定,更不能被他们解除,向这些人提供建议的,正是那些曾让我们陷入金融危机的银行。”

“The Obama administration must make clear that financial stability safeguards are not up for negotiation.”



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