






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-7-13 21:16| 查看数: 1045| 评论数: 0|


OSLO, July 8 (Reuters) - Air pollution is shortening the lives of people in northern China by about 5.5 years compared to the south,, an international study shows.

路透社奥斯陆7月8日 - 一项国际研究发现,空气污染使得中国北方人口的寿命比南方人口短约5.5岁。

Environmental problems are a source of rising social discontent in China; last month Beijing promised new measures to crack down on air pollution, partly by hastening a shift to renewable energy from fossil fuels.


The report, by experts in China, the United States and Israel, said a communist policy of giving out free coal everywhere north of the Huai River in central China between 1950 and 1980 meant more heart and lung disease among 500 million people living in the area.


"Life expectancies are about 5.5 years lower in the north owing to an increased incidence of cardio-respiratory mortality," the researchers wrote in Tuesday's edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).


Studying pollution and deaths in 90 cities, the experts found that life expectancy tumbled just north of the Huai River, where air pollution from burning coal was 55 percent higher than to the south between 1981 and 2000.


"The analysis suggests that the Huai River policy, which had the laudable goal of providing indoor heat, had disastrous consequences for health," the study said.


The scientists said the findings, which firmly link air pollution to life expectancy, might help emerging economies such as China, India or Brazil to find better ways to combine a drive for economic growth with environmental controls.


The World Health Organization says that about 2 million people die every year from air pollution, mostly in developing countries. Cities such as Karachi, New Delhi, Kathmandu, Beijing, Lima and Cairo are among the most polluted, it says.


Even in Europe, for instance, air pollution shortens average life expectancy by 8 months, said Anke Luekewille, an expert at the European Environment Agency in Denmark, although pollution levels have fallen considerably in recent decades.

欧洲环境署专家Anke Luekewille指出,即便在欧洲,空气污染也导致人口平均寿命缩短8个月,尽管近几十年空气污染情况已明显改善。


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