






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-15 15:32| 查看数: 945| 评论数: 0|

Stocks are expensive. Bonds are expensive. What is an investor to do? Unfortunately, the only answer appears to be to invest in new and unfamiliar assets, taking new and unfamiliar risks.


Both equities and bonds look expensive compared with their own history (dramatically so in the case of bonds). Put the two together and the plight of pension funds with fixed liabilities to meet appears impossible. Cliff Asness, a former academic who now runs AQR Capital Management in New York, says the prospective return over the next decade from a portfolio invested 60 per cent in US equities and 40 per cent in bonds is 2.4 per cent per year. This is the worst predicted return in 112 years.

股票和债券似乎都比过去贵很多(尤其是债券)。将二者结合起来,有着固定给付义务的退休基金似乎就面对着不可能的任务。学者出身、目前负责纽约AQR资产管理公司(AQR Capital Management)运营的克里夫•阿斯内斯(Cliff Asness)表示,未来10年期间,一个60%投资美国股票、40%投资债券的组合投资,平均每年有望实现的回报大概是2.4%。这是112年以来最差的预期回报。

An alternative forecast by Elroy Dimson, Paul Marsh and Mike Staunton, financial historians at the London Business School, points to the extreme low real interest rates and shows that these have been associated over history with low subsequent returns for both equities and stocks.

伦敦商学院(London Business School)金融历史学家埃洛伊•迪姆森(Elroy Dimson)、保罗•马什(Paul Marsh)和麦克•斯坦顿(Mike Staunton)做出了另一种预测,他们指出实际利率非常低,并指出,历史上这种局面与股票和债券随后的低回报率有联系。

They suggest that the returns in the late 20th century were driven by unrepeatable positive factors such as the postwar booms in Germany and Japan, and the fall of the iron curtain. Now, global demographics give institutions no room for manoeuvre. As the “baby boom” cohort retires, the balance shifts from those contributing to pensions to those receiving payouts.


Further, the quantitative easing policy of the US Federal Reserve, to keep bond yields down, in effect forces savings groups to lend to the government at low rates, while making it more expensive for “defined-benefit” pensions, which have promised a set level of pension, to fund future liabilities.


As a result, a recent survey by the Create consultancy of more than 700 asset managers, managing $27.4tn between them, found that 78 per cent of defined-benefit plans would need annual returns of at least 5 per cent per year to meet their commitments, while 19 per cent required more than 8 per cent – far higher than reasonable projections.


One result is that fund managers are charging less for their services. Fees that were acceptable when returns were high now look unsightly. Also, institutions are firing “active” managers and moving money to cheaper “passive” managers who merely match market benchmarks.


“For every five active mandates that come up for renewal, three end up in passives or exchange traded funds,” said one fund manager interviewed by Create.


Institutions are also taking on more risk. According to Mr Asness, a target of 5 per cent per year can be reached but only “by using the three dirty words of finance – leverage, shorting and derivatives”.


Laurence Wormald of Sungard, a London-based consultant, says: “People are faced with the reality of having to look beyond low-risk asset classes, which will have negative returns. This forces them into unconventional asset allocation.”

伦敦咨询机构Sungard的劳伦斯•沃玛尔德(Laurence Wormald)说:“人们面临的现实是,眼光必须超越低风险的资产类别,这些资产的回报率将是负值。这迫使他们将资金配置到非传统资产。”

He warns that funds will have to change their risk management to strategies used by the trading desks of investment banks. They must factor in the chances of losses, look at “tail risks” of extreme events and at the risk that counterparties’ credit fails – all disciplines found wanting in 2008.


They are also looking at new asset classes. Hedge funds, which can use leverage and sell short, have enjoyed huge inflows from large institutions, increasing their assets by more than $500bn, or almost a third, since their pre-crisis peak. They have done this despite very poor performance. Pension funds would have been better leaving their money in stocks – and are reassessing the move.


The most popular new asset class is property, named by 55 per cent of defined-benefit managers as part of their plan to close the gap with their pension promises, while 44 per cent said they were investing in “alternative credit”. This gained a bad name during the crisis and includes senior loans, collateralised loan obligations, subordinated corporate debt and commercial mortgages.


The retreat of banks from these markets, post-crisis, has added to the interest from fund managers, as these assets become available to them on more favourable terms. “Like real assets, alternative credit has one overriding virtue,” says Amin Rajan of Create. “[It has] low correlation with traditional equities and bonds, and high single-digit yields.”

后危机时期银行从这些市场的撤离,增加了基金经理人的兴趣,因为他们能以更有利的条款获取这些资产。Create的Amin Rajan表示,“与实体资产类似,替代信贷有一个关键特征,即它与传统股票和债券的关联度较低,而收益率较高,接近10%。”

There are dangers in moving beyond core competencies but pension funds know that if they stick with bonds and stocks they will probably fail to meet their promises.


The London Business School professors are emphatic that the old way is not an option. “To assume that savers can confidently expect large wealth increases from investing over the long term in the stock market – in essence, that the investment conditions of the 1990s will return – is delusional,” they say.



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