






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-7-20 19:49| 查看数: 801| 评论数: 0|

The summer vacation should be a time of leisure and fun. But a new trend on campuses across China is for students to keep themselves busy doing “social practices” of various kinds in an effort to get a taste of the outside world.


Li Ji, who works for the School Department of the Communist Youth League’s Central Committee, believes that social practices can help freshmen and sophomores improve their personal skills and competitiveness.


“It’s an opportunity for them to expand their horizon beyond campus life and will be of benefit in the future when they look for jobs and work,” says Li.


But some students complain that their social practice experience wasn’t as constructive as they hoped. In the following, students share their summer plans and experts offer advice on what to look out for in order to have a fruitful summer.




Cao Liyuan’s summer internship was hard and smoldering hot. The 22-year-old, who studies material forming and control engineering at the University of Science and Technology Beijing, was sent to Zhangdian Iron and Steel Works in Shandong province together with his classmates for a two-week internship.


For most of the day, they followed an engineer, who explained different processes and how the equipment works. The students were constantly exposed to high temperatures, loud noise and dust. But he thinks the experience wasn’t helpful at all because he will never work as a steel worker.


Compared with him, Tang Yao had a better summer experience. The 22-year-old German language and literature major at Fudan University worked as an intern for the German Academic Exchange Service’s information center in Shanghai in an office building.


Tang was in charge of completing chores such as maintaining the company’s official website and answering questions about studying in Germany.


Many students encounter situations similar to those of Cao and Tang. They either work in an unpleasant environment or work on chores that don’t seem to make a difference. But Li Kaifu, CEO of Innovation Works, believes that even working on easy tasks is a beneficial experience.


“Students on a two-month internship should not expect employers to assign any real work to them. But this doesn’t mean the internship is worthless. Students can learn fundamental skills, such as team work and interpersonal communication, and gain valuable knowledge of the company’s organizational structure and work culture,” Li said in an online Q&A session with student interns.


He thinks that an important part of an internship is asking questions. “Don’t be afraid to ask your colleagues questions. If you don’t ask, you’re wasting the best opportunity to learn,” Li says.


Study tours in a foreign country


The saying “He that travels far knows much” is deeply rooted in the minds of Chinese people. Many students use their summer vacation to go on study tours, often to a foreign country.


Qi Di is one of them. In order to experience American culture, the 21-year-old energy engineering major at Zhejiang University visited the University of California, Berkeley, US, on a two-week summer study tour organized by her university.


“I’m considering studying abroad after my graduation, so this tour allowed me to see the US from inside,” she says.


During her tour, Qi had classes at the university and the experience strengthened her resolve to study abroad. “I enjoyed the open and free academic environment there. The approach to teaching encouraged me to think creatively,” Qi says.


According to Sun Yang, marketing officer at Imagine Education, an educational consultancy and institution based in Australia, a good tour experience relies on good preparation.


“It’s wise to do a little research in advance. Familiarize yourself with the university’s basic information, the type of classes you are going to have — whether it’s a seminar or a lecture and how many students will attend,” he says.


“Knowing the neighborhood in advance also helps you to integrate into the local community.”


Sun also suggests that students prepare some questions. “Think about the purpose of your tour and ask questions accordingly. Even if you don’t speak the local language perfectly, as long as you try to communicate with the locals, you will find them easy to get along with,” Sun says.


Volunteering in remote and rural areas


Xiong Wenyuan, 21, is an English language and literature major at Tsinghua University. During her freshman summer vacation, she spent one week in Shangluo, Shaanxi province, supporting a local elementary school as a teacher.


“I think among all the summer social practices I’ve done, supporting this school was the most challenging and meaningful one,” she says.


Not only did Xiong have to cope with the heat and simple conditions of the countryside, she also needed to learn teaching and communication skills. “This experience really improved my personal skills,” she says.


Xiong’s view is echoed by Liu Lixiao from the Youth League Committee of Beijing Normal University. “Supporting the education cause in rural China is a good opportunity for personal improvement since most of the work is done by students themselves,” he says.


Liu attaches great importance to personal safety and provides some advice for staying safe. “Students should stay away from reservoirs and never walk alone in mountainous areas. Female students should stay in groups and never go anywhere without male company,” he says.


Liu further points out that it is important for students who work in schools of ethnic groups to familiarize themselves with local customs.



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