





澳洲男子车祸苏醒后能讲流利中文 成为中文脱口秀主持人

发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2013-7-21 20:04| 查看数: 1005| 评论数: 0|


Ben McMahon, 21, studied Chinese at high school, but found his language skills blossomed following his near-miraculous recovery from a horrific head-on car crash 17 months ago.


He is now one of the hosts of a Chinese variety talk show due to air across Australia later this year.


"Most of it's hazy, but when I woke up seeing a Chinese nurse, I thought I was in China," he recalled of his ordeal.


"It was like a dream. It was surreal - it was like my brain was in one place but my body in another," the Melbourne University student said. "I just started speaking Chinese - they were the first words that left my mouth."


A dozen episodes of the first season of Oh My God are now being recorded in Melbourne. Its aim is "bridging the relationship" between the two nations' cultures. Episodes range from how to start a relationship, food exploration, entertainment, and working holidays.

本主持的脱口秀栏目“澳麦GA”(即Oh My God)第一季的十多集节目正在墨尔本进行录制。该节目旨在“拉近澳中两国文化间的关系”。节目的情节包括如何展开一段恋情,寻找美食,休闲娱乐以及打工度假。

"I get tired a little bit more easily. After the coma, I had to sleep quite a lot; however, fortunately enough, apart from that and a couple of scars, I am lucky," he said.



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