






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-7-26 09:00| 查看数: 701| 评论数: 0|

Carsten Schloter, the chief executive of Swisscom, has been found dead at his home, in what police suspect was a case of suicide.

瑞士电信(Swisscom)首席执行官卡斯腾•施洛特(Carsten Schloter)被发现在家中身亡,警方怀疑他死于自杀。

Switzerland’s biggest telecoms group said Schloter, 49, had been found yesterday morning at his residence in Freiburg in western Switzerland and that an investigation into the exact circumstances surrounding his death was under way.


Urs Schäppi, Schloter’s deputy and head of the company’s Swiss operations, will take over management of the company on an interim basis.

施洛特的副手、该公司瑞士业务负责人Urs Schäppi将暂时接手公司的管理。

Hansueli Loosli, Swisscom’s chairman, said the company and its “entire workforce are deeply saddened and pass on their condolences to the family and relatives”.

瑞士电信董事长韩穗里•鲁斯利(Hansueli Loosli)表示,该公司及“全体员工深感悲痛,谨向施洛特家人和亲属表示悼念”。

Out of consideration for Schloter’s family, Swisscom will not release any further information surrounding his death.


Schloter, a German citizen, was well respected in the telecoms industry and among analysts as one of the best of a younger generation of senior managers.


He began his career at Mercedes-Benz, before switching cars for telecoms by joining the German group Debitel in 1992.


In 2000, he joined Swisscom as head of its mobile division, before being promoted to chief executive in 2006, after his predecessor, Jens Alder, was forced to resign following a clash with the Swiss government, which is Swisscom’s largest shareholder, over the group’s international expansion strategy.

2000年,他进入瑞士电信,出任移动部门主管,其后在2006年晋升为首席执行官,此前他的前任延斯•阿尔德(Jens Alder)在与瑞士政府就集团的国际扩张战略发生冲突后被迫辞职。瑞士政府是瑞士电信的最大股东。

Under Schloter’s tenure, Swisscom has remained dominant in the national mobile market in spite of renewed challenges from lower-cost competitors Orange and Sunrise, shifting to bundled services to prevent price erosion.


Although the group’s revenues have declined slightly in recent years, it has managed to maintain its profitability and last year made net profits of SFr1.76bn ($1.9bn) from revenues of SFr11.4bn.



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